The Finnish Medical Society Duodecim recently published their ME/CFS draft guideline ("Good Practice Consensus Recommendation"). Comments can be submitted through a form on their website. Deadline is Friday, 4 December 2020. Anna lausuntosi Krooninen väsymysoireyhtymä (ME/CFS) Hyvä käytäntö -konsensussuositukseen Google Translate, English
It says that if you fill out the form and click through, you will be able to access the material. ETA:
Yes I found it. I got a copy in Finnish and Google can translate the entire document. Some of what they are recommending There are many more recommendations. Overall it seems good but as usual there is a bit of an obsession with exercise. The problem is that they recommend exercise to increase functional capacity when we know this doesn't work.
Might the new NICE draft be useful for helping push for improvements? Best of luck to everyone working on that.
Thinking of you all hoping the bits that unhelpful can be improved, gosh there's a lot going on at the moment!
Duodecim publishes evidence-based medical guidelines that are taken over by other countries (for example here in Belgium). I have sent a mail asking if this will also be the case for these ME/CFS recommendations or whether they are intended for Finland only.
The new guideline has now been published:
I haven't been able to find an english-language version (yet). By earlier version, do you mean the draft? This is the first published version, I believe it's Duodecim's first ever guidelines for ME/CFS.
News article in the Finnish Medical Journal: Uusi suositus määritteli kroonisen väsymysoireyhtymän Google Translate, English
Thank you for providing these links, @mango ! It doesn't sound like they're quite there yet. Here are some quotes from the google translated article from the Finnish Medical Journal:
Summary by Duodecim: Hyvä käytäntö -konsensussuositus määrittelee kroonisen väsymysoireyhtymän (ME/CFS) kriteerit, tavoitteena potilaiden parempi tunnistaminen, hoito ja seuranta Google Translate, English
Another news article: Tätä on tarvittu – Kroonisen väsymysoireyhtymän tunnistaminen ja hoito saivat konsensussuosituksen Google Translate, English
So there is no evidence based treatment, but they know how to treat it? This is a mentality that worries me.