Gamers for M.E. - Play video games and support OMF

Discussion in 'Fundraising' started by Noir, Aug 20, 2021.

  1. Noir

    Noir Established Member (Voting Rights)

    If your're a gamer and want to support Open Medicine Foundation, I've set up a charity donation campaign team at called Gamers for M.E. 100% of the donations goes to Open Medicine Foundation.

    You'll find the campaign here:

    Even though the team name is Gamers for M.E, it's of course open to join for everyone who streams and want to support OMF. Streamlabs support both Twitch, Youtube and Facebook.

    You can also stop by the page and just donate to OMF, no streaming or gaming required, only paypal.

    If you want to, you can also create your own campaign or team, as OMF is registered at, and the same is ME Research UK.

    Twitch has raised over $75 million for various organisations since 2012, so the potential is huge. OMF has only received $3500 off this via Streamlabs charity donations, but Streamlabs only started doing charity donations a year or two ago.

    This project is obviously only meant for those who are interested and feel well enough to participate. I anticipate that might not be very many, but it is open to friends or family who want to support OMF as well.

    A big part of the project is to get the message out to a different environment than the "social media bubble" on Twitter, Facebook and so on. If some large streamers on Twitch were to join or host a charity session or two, it could mean a lot, both for donations, and awareness. If the project slowly grows, we can create larger events later, and maybe draw attention from far outside our own sphere.

    I am not affiliated with Streamlabs, Streamlabscharity or Twitch. I set up this campaign at Streamlabscharity because, unlike some other similar sites, 100% of the donations goes to OMF, and OMF is registered there. ME Research UK is also registered there:

    OMF at Streamlabscharity:

    ME Research UK at Streamlabscharity:

    Unfortunately I'm not really a streamer, although I do have a Twitch account. I have played an awful lot of video games though, and see this project as a potentially good way to bring more attention to the ME-cause. And more funding for biomedical research!
    rainy, hinterland, inox and 15 others like this.
  2. Art Vandelay

    Art Vandelay Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Adelaide, Australia
    Well done! Don't forget that Humble Bundle donate a proportion of your game purchases to a nominated charity.

    OMF is in the list of charities you can choose from. There appear to be a few local ME/CFS support groups listed too
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2021
  3. Noir

    Noir Established Member (Voting Rights)

    I made a new Discord-server for the Gamers for M.E. project. If anyone wants to join, here's an invite link:

    I'll add the Humble bundle-tip on the server, but for now it'll mainly help spread the word to our 5 bot members...
    The more ways to support OMF and biomed research though, the better. :thumbsup:
    EzzieD and SNT Gatchaman like this.
  4. SNT Gatchaman

    SNT Gatchaman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    Thank you Noir, I might like to join in a bit. Recently I have avoided gaming, despite my immense guilty pleasure of e.g. PUBG, as it wasn't helping my POTS. I found it interesting that in the past my heart rate remained well within the "chill" range even under fear of my virtual life - now, not so much.

    I'll also look into the current Humble Bundle offerings that Art Vandelay mentioned.
    Art Vandelay, EzzieD and Noir like this.
  5. Noir

    Noir Established Member (Voting Rights)

    That would be cool, SNT Gatchaman! I surely understand the heart rate issues, though, I've experienced that while playing Valheim. Haven't really dared to play Dark Souls since I got ill, but Bethesda games like Skyrim and Fallout seems to work better, luckily...after all, leveling up has always been the game plan there, eh.
    EzzieD and SNT Gatchaman like this.
  6. EzzieD

    EzzieD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Sounds a nifty idea! Am an old gamer from way back and I make short funny videos from my games to share with friends, but unfortunately definitely not enough energy for streaming. I do hope there are a few folks who are up to it though, and hope the project goes well!

    Agree that Bethesda games have a particularly amenable gameplay, Fallout and Elder Scrolls are two of my fave game series.
    SNT Gatchaman and Noir like this.
  7. Noir

    Noir Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Thanks, yes I'm hopeful the project will grow with time! BGS-games are my favourites too btw, Fallout 3 on x-box was my first open world game back in the day. Really like their freedom of exploration, atmosphere and music, especially in the Elder Scrolls like Oblivion and Skyrim. And modding is a big plus too.
    EzzieD and SNT Gatchaman like this.
  8. EzzieD

    EzzieD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Fallout New Vegas was my first BGS Fallout game (tried to play the original Fallout 1 & 2 back in their day but got stuck early on and internet walkthroughs were not yet a thing!) and loved it, now consider it one of the best games ever made. From there I went to Fallout 3, then 4. Love Oblivion and Skyrim, and yes, the music is beautiful and environment is fantastic. Mod-ability is indeed a big plus for both series. I made a few mods for Fallout 4 and enjoyed many of the mods available for both series; so many talented modders out there. Currently addicted to Elder Scrolls Online, unfortunately not mod-able but still fun with the content it comes with.

    Fingers crossed that the project takes off, really hope it does well!
    Noir likes this.
  9. Noir

    Noir Established Member (Voting Rights)

    The Gamers for M.E. project now also has a Twitter account, for those interested in following it:

    It's still early days, so don't expect too much action just yet, but at least now it's easier to find.
    Jaybee00, EzzieD and SNT Gatchaman like this.
  10. Noir

    Noir Established Member (Voting Rights)

    @EzzieD I agree on Fallout New Vegas and ESO. Fallout New Vegas has some great characters, dialogue...and, hosts. Too bad Obsidian never got to make another Fallout, but haven't tested The Outer Worlds yet. ESO is pretty good too, great to be able to explore as much of Tamriel as possible, and surprisingly good music too. I've played it a bit on and off throughout the years, haven't played any MMO as much as that one. What type of mods have you made?
    EzzieD likes this.
  11. alex3619

    alex3619 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I am eagerly awaiting TOW2. Obsidian is still making good games. The trailer for TOW2 was the best trailer I have ever seen.

    Currently doing coop with discord voice on a replay of Dead Island with a friend, but thinking of Dying Light as well. Most of us are not up to actually streaming though.
    EzzieD and Noir like this.
  12. EzzieD

    EzzieD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thanks for the Twitter link for Gamers For ME, will follow.

    Yes, Fallout NV had some of the best and most memorable characters ever. It was an incredibly BIG and fleshed-out game especially for something made in such a short time as it was. LOL, yes, Tabitha was certainly a great radio host. I got The Outer Worlds recently in a GoG sale, have played a little of it but at the moment ESO keeps gobbling up what little gaming time I can afford myself! Yes, it's great to explore all of Tamriel in ESO, after seeing just a little of it in previous games. The Fallout 4 mods I made were nothing big, I just make little quirky colourful things for a bit of fun - most of them are here: . Just objects & wearables, no scripting stuff - I do 3D meshing and texturing. The one exception, my only scripted item was the silly car I made with the help of a couple of good modders at Nexus.

    Have you heard of Once Lost Games? They are comprised of three of the original creators of the Elder Scrolls, including the daddy of Elder Scrolls lore, Julian LeFay. I follow them on Twitter to see how their new WIP game, Wayward Realms, is coming along:

    Having read that, I had to go look for the trailer! Is it the official reveal trailer with the jokey narration? Love the big purple monster, hope that does stay in the game.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2021
    Noir likes this.
  13. alex3619

    alex3619 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    EzzieD likes this.
  14. Noir

    Noir Established Member (Voting Rights)

    There's a 24 hour charity live stream for Open Medicine Foundation in progress now on Twitch.
    $911 raised so far, with 11 hours to go!

    Check it out here.
    Art Vandelay, sebaaa and EzzieD like this.
  15. Noir

    Noir Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Edobean is now currently live on Twitch doing a charity fundraiser for OMF.

    She will do multiple live streams that will go on between April 15 and April 17.

    During these streams she will play Final Fantasy XIV, Persona 5, Pokemon, Mario, Shovel Knight, Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past and many more.

    Live stream here.

    You can follow the fundraising progress and view the full program here:

    She has 13k followers on Twitch, so this will hopefully bring in quite some money for OMF. First 30 minutes have already resulted in $770!

    Hendabear's impressive 24hour stream the other day ended up on $1730, so these are good days for the combo Twitch and OMF!

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