Guardian article - The high cost of living in a disabling world, 2021, Jan Grue

Discussion in 'General disability topics and advocacy' started by Amw66, Nov 10, 2021.

  1. Amw66

    Amw66 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Moved post

    Good article in Guardian

    The high cost of living in a disabling world
    Illustration: Sébastien Thibault/The Guardian

    Jan Grue

    At times, it feels as if the disability rights movement won. After years of groundwork, 1981 was declared the International Year of Disabled Persons. I was born that year, in Oslo, Norway, and though I did not receive my first diagnosis of muscular dystrophy until I was a toddler, the coincidence is apt enough: I was born into a world that was, at last, beginning to recognise this aspect of my being in it.

    more at link.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2022

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