JK Rowling new book — chronic illness references

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS discussion' started by Braganca, Sep 2, 2022.

  1. bicentennial

    bicentennial Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I am very glad to hear it reconfirmed that the recklessly written daughter character is still being toned down by the BBC according to the rules they shall not break, so very glad to hear the BBC still trying to portray this illness in order to enlighten a mass audience - which is so very important - there being no other way for the Govt (UK) to rapidly deliver life-enhancing and life-saving mass enlightenment to the UK population (cheaply at the price), our problem with how this is done is plain

    Yes, the BBC could sure use funding for rapid delivery under the new logistical and logical NHS Delivery Plan (for M.E/CFS) and we stand ever-ready to help (once invited) with the advisories (the lack of invite is resounding). Assuming the Delivery Plan has an efficacious (LilyThePink) Budget, the Public Relations Prorgam (UK) can be turned gently from sanitising the Reputatioin to sanitise our reputation, then its 2 for the price of one, a stellar public economy. World Class is superseded by Stellar as we speak. Boris was World Class. We are Stellar. And so @bobbler will have a pun for the New Year.

    Its only meet and fit and proper that the NHS did spear-head and lead this Delivery Plan addressing one of the biggest global heath inequalities ever seen (HealthGlobal), the NHS Transformation gave way to the NHS Renewal, the WHO might well chip in if allowed back in after so upsetting the axis by putting its UK foot in the door with a Disability Commission not to mention its terrifying interventions in Gaza

    yes .... yes .... yes .... eggsactly ... you are quite right

    @forestglip I don't know how the plot pans out but if we exchanged fone numbers and got talking and then a detective asked me why on earth we had made contact i'd say whyever not, or try to give the thesis about coming in from the cold, or I'd ask if he was told it is still a pathological illness-perpetuating behaviour to connect through the internet with other ill people, since the exemplary Paul Garner made that mistake at some length and ended up wth a salutary 6 months of long Covid due to being influenced ? Did I get that right ? People like PG being so very suggestibe eg to voodoo, sorry Voodoo.

    One can be wished to death you know depending on the superstitious beliefs one is taught along with the curse-belief (menstrual or otherwise) eg the superstitious belief-in-the illness-belief, which is evidentially a belief in Voodoo with a jovial Jovian Jehovian tinkle attached (ie there is no other so no buts). But trading spells and the odd curse is no excuse nor token of belief

    true believers are very vulnerable to the internalised death-wish if cursed, such is superstition as researched, it happens, no-one does an autopsy on the most suggestible deceased professional (true believer), but they do believe an autopsy on their client showed the power of mind (theirs) over matter eg to manifest as a ganglionitis, in other case the manifestation of mad cow disease could be said to be have been co-morbid, allalong, with FND, hey presto, you see where the mad cow label replaced the bitch label

    SO i would kindlly enquire of the detective had he ever yet talked to and got to know any body else with a limp which people think is just a limp having no idea what that entails, unless one can make it graphically and dramatically obvious and find a mass audience in sympathy with this naked display.

    We have a detective character who sounds to me like one of the most blatantly disabled characters you could wish to meet. As portrayed to me by his audience, he sounds so self-explanatory there is no problem understanding all his problems.

    He too is exemplary, no need to start of with "Hallo, I have a limp and it hurts", all he needs to do is wince I suppose, unlike the father character who needs to start off with "Hallo, I have M.E (Myalgic Enceph.....is that a soft c or a hard k)". Who would know what a catheter bag under clothing entails for a paralysed person, who would even guess its there

    I lived longer than a child before people, in person, in realtime (but only in private conversation) made it plain to me what a limp entails when one leg is shorter than the other) And plainly they lived surrounded by people who didnt like them wincing and didn't get it even if they fell to the floor. At every other step. As an unaided child. I even suspect that were the UK populuation treated to a mass awareness promotion of the M.E predicament it would turn vicious because why should we be lifter out and leave them behind
    Peter Trewhitt and forestglip like this.
  2. tornandfrayed

    tornandfrayed Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Another thing I noticed was that smoking/vaping was seen in a surprising favourable light. Almost a signifier of a decent character.

    Life changed by catastrophic illness. Looking for information, mutual support and community with others who understand online. Obviously a wrong 'un.

    Puffing away - "oh, I know I shouldn't, but understandable considering the stress I'm under". Not even worth mentioning to the doctor as one of things undermining Strike's health.
    Peter Trewhitt and Ariel like this.
  3. bicentennial

    bicentennial Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    So can Strike sell safe vapes to a stoic audience, along with a Comparative Disadvantage 101 class in

    But rumour has it a vape is safer than tobacco. Can't ban smoking from drama too. So this is just promoting a safe smoke according to BBC belief - and according to JKR's belief (or known associates) if vapes come with the book

    Doesn't work unless you like Strike for a ferreting role model. Me too. I like to ferret too. Oh and lest we forget - many schools are finding discarded vapes with horrific illegal drugs laced into them. Spiked. Your drink can be spiked. Your vape can be spiked.

    Must the BBC encourage little students and their parents to risk a spiked knock-off vape - safer than striking a match ?

    Arsonists aside, i guess the BBC has advanced to drama showing young men and women being scrupulous in the pubs and clubs to never leave an open drink unattended as an open invite to deniable rape. Was the world always so unsafe ? What would be the medieval equivalent ? Droit de signeur. Don't scare the baby, nanny

    must we wait til the schools find rophyqwotnot in the discarded school vapes, too, or does it vanish from detection in a vape as fast as it vanishes from the blood, Give us a lead Aunty, the vape lobby is not that powerful, stay on the safe side, you were not bourne on the wild side
    Amw66 and Peter Trewhitt like this.

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