Source: Solve ME/CFS Initiative Date: November 29, 2018 Time: 18:00-19:00 UTC URL: You + M.E.: A community resource, built by the community -------------------------------------------------------- In 2010, Solve ME/CFS Initiative (SMCI) launched the SolveCFS Biobank to connect researchers with control samples and data from both patients and controls. The Biobank pioneered an approach to strengthen the ME/CFS research ecosystem and supported a range of studies that contributed to the cumulative understanding of the disease. It's now time to go further. SMCI is implementing a redesign of our current process and building a new patient registry in partnership with a range of community stakeholders that will be linked with our existing biobank: You + M.E. Join SMCI's Chief Scientific Officer, Sadie Whittaker, PhD, for a discussion on building a resource that is reflective of the priorities of individuals with ME/CFS and responsive to their needs, empowering them to partner with a network of researchers and providers to find solutions.