ME-conference in Norway - April 18th-19th - RituxME-results will be presented

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by Kalliope, Feb 8, 2018.

  1. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    There will be an ME-conference in Kristiansand, Norway 18th-19th April.

    The programme is wide-ranging, but I am sure most anticipation will be for Øystein Fluge's lecture on the first day: "Presentation and results from the RituxME-study and mention of CycloME and the metabolism studies".

    I don't know if RituxME will be published by then, but at least I'm sure we'll hear some key points from the study.

    Here is a (hastily made) translation of the full programme. All the lectures will be in Norwegian.

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME)

    Wednesday April 18th

    Opening - Kjersti Widding, leader of the conference

    Historical retrospect: Diagnosing of chronic fatigue during the last century and lined towards today's CFS/ME-conference - Kristine Lillestøl, PhD, University in Oslo

    National center of excellence for CFS/ME

    Assessment by the GP - Robert A. Burman, PhD

    Assessment of grown ups at the specialist ward - Tore Salte, MD, Hospital Sørlandet

    Assessment of grown ups in light of psychiatric differential diagnoses - Elin Bolle Strand, psychologist - National center of excellence for CFS/ME

    Assessment of children at specialist ward - Kristin Namtvedt, senior doctor, Hospital Sørlandet

    Interdisciplinary assessment at CFS/ME ward at Nordås, Haukeland university hospital

    Overview of national and international research on CFS/ME - Kari Tveito,MD, editor at Journal for Norwegian Medical Association

    Presentation and results from RituxME and mention of CycloME and the metabolism studies - Øystein Fluge, PhD, oncologist, cancer ward, University in Bergen

    Thursday 19th April

    Follow up at the doctor's office "the good clinical conversation" - Njål Mæland, GP, university teacher

    Cognitive therapy with CFS/ME - Anne Dorte Lyden, Psychologist, Sørlandet Hospital

    Presentation of the rehabilitation programme for CFS/ME by Sørlandet Rehabilitation Center Eiken - Kjersti Widding, MD

    What are CFS/ME-patients experiences after a rehabilitation stay?

    Presentation of user directed clinic and mastering class - Liv Kari Johnsen, nurse, ME ward - Sørlandet Hospital

    Follow up of children and adolescents with CFS/ME - Ketil Jakobsen, Psychologist, St. Olav's Hospital

    The most severe, what do we know about this group? - Elin B. Strand, psychologist

    The most severe, how do we follow them up? - Thomas Meinich, GP

    Success criteria to remain ability to work - Elin Korsveien, Sørlandet Rehabilitation Center

    How to write a good assessment for functionality - Njål Flem Mæland

    The GPs role in families with sick parents - Frøydis Gullbrå, PhD, GP

    Talk! - Debbie Birkeland, Sørlandet Rehabilitation Center

    Presentation of the national network of excellence for children as next-to-kin - Siri Gjesdal
    Inara, Jan, Johanna WJ and 22 others like this.
  2. Invisible Woman

    Invisible Woman Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    Still a lot of psychologists mixed in there. Wonder if they'll be attending Dr Fluge's presentation.
    adambeyoncelowe, Inara, Jan and 11 others like this.
  3. Diwi9

    Diwi9 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It would be nice to see a group of psychologists that take an adamant stand controverting Wessely's theories and speaking up for a more appropriate role of psychology in this that starts by understanding our experience...including the abuse we've suffered because of the profession's framing and judgment of PwME.
  4. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Yes, the programme is very mixed and the biopsychosocial approach seems to be heavily represented. I don't know all the names of the speakers though. But one of the psychologists, Ketil Jakobsen, is excellent. He has worked for many years with children and adolescents with ME, is very knowledgable and totally on his patients side. He wrote a wonderful text in Journal for the Norwegian Psychologist Association which made prof. Wyller write a letter to the editor in protest. Jakobsen's text is behind paywall for now, but in a few months it will be opened. Am looking forward to share it!
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2018
    Sly Saint, JohnM, Perrier and 13 others like this.
  5. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Haven't heard much report from the seminar, so don't know if any news regarding RituxME were shared. Apparently there is still some time left until the study is published.

    ETA - but here is a nice report from the rehabilitation center who took part in organising the seminar (nothing about RituxME in the article)

    Sørlandets rehabiliteringssenter: ME-pasienter med klar medling til fastleger: - Still oss alltid dette spørsmålet

    google translation: ME patient with clear message to doctors: - Always ask us this question

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