Mental health patients could get job coach visits

Discussion in 'General disability topics and advocacy' started by Mij, Oct 16, 2024 at 4:04 PM.

  1. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Kendall praised projects in Leicester and at the Maudsley Hospital in Camberwell, in south-east London, which offered employment support - such as training on CV writing and interviews - to people with serious mental health conditions, including on hospital wards.

    "The results of getting people into work have been dramatic, and the evidence clearly shows that it is better for their mental health," she said.

    However, disability rights campaigner Erhardt said he would like to see the evidence of the trials.
    Lou B Lou, Sean, Missense and 2 others like this.
  2. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The UK is just like Canada.

    The Premier of my province once told reporters "there are plenty of jobs out there" when asked about increasing financial disability supports that are below the poverty line so persons with disability can afford food and rent. He said it's been shown that working helps people feel better and when asked about how he knew this, he replied 'it's my own opinion'.
    Lou B Lou, Sean, alktipping and 4 others like this.
  3. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The stupidity of not realising (in this example) that those who are able to get and keep a job is a test/filter to find the most well/least ill, rather than a treatment

    and yes let’s see the long term. This bigotry again

    First they have to ‘accept the diagnosis stuck on them’ to get off the ward then act as required to ever escape and now it’s this. Not an easy life for those caught up in this awfulness and I’m not sure how having those places being involved too closely in applications and maybe even furthe onwards is a good thing vs the draw backs.

    which mental health conditions are we actually talking about? Because I can see how this could get very manipulated (having people with less severity in certain areas but increased susceptibility to coercion , chance of being placed somewhere starts getting borne in mind once you have targets) and not in a way that helps health or nhs resources etc.

    people should learn to pause before clapping over these tired old tricks , particularly when they clapped at the same thing twenty years ago. They surely must realise they are all playing games or being played. Things aren’t that one dimensional and direct in relationship that you just do a cv for someone on a mental health ward snd it makes them well. Whatever they want to ‘hope’ that’s just wishful thinking bordering on bigotry - the bs of jobs helping mental health was always just a made up thing everyone started citing with surety but not based on reality of trial.

    it’s like saying marathon running makes you have two legs because most marathon runners do have two legs. I’m pretty sure the fallacy medicine is wedded to on exercise is based on too many of them not understanding the issue of what correlation means and thinking ‘you don’t see a dead person running for a bus’ and the people who end up with the best outcomes in cancer trials were up on their feet in days and are genuinely stupid enough to think their assumption of mindset means they are clever with insight and not being really stupid there.
    Mij likes this.

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