Neuromodulation for the treatment of functional neurological disorder and somatic symptom disorder: a systematic review, 2022, Oriuwa, Perez et al

Discussion in 'Other psychosomatic news and research' started by Andy, Feb 5, 2022.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    [Yet another pointless FND review paper]

    Functional neurological disorder and somatic symptom disorder are complex neuropsychiatric conditions that have been linked to circuit-based dysfunction of brain networks. Neuromodulation is a novel therapeutic strategy capable of modulating relevant brain networks, making it a promising potential candidate for the treatment of these patient populations.

    We conducted a systematic review of Medline, Embase and PsycINFO up to 4 March 2021. Trials investigating neuromodulation devices for the treatment of functional neurological disorder or somatic symptom disorder were selected. Extracted variables included study design, demographic and clinical characteristics, psychiatric comorbidity, neurostimulation protocols, clinical outcome measures and results. 404 studies were identified with 12 meeting inclusion criteria. 221 patients were treated in the included studies with mean study sample size of 18 (4–70). Five studies were randomised clinical trials. Functional motor symptoms (six weakness, four movement disorders) were the most studied subpopulations. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was the most frequently used device (10 studies), followed by electroconvulsive therapy (one study) and direct-current stimulation (one study). Treatment protocols varied in intended therapeutic mechanism(s): eight studies aimed to modulate underlying network dysfunction, five aimed to demonstrate movement (one also leveraged the former) and three boosted their primary mechanism with enhanced suggestion/expectation.

    All but one study reported positive results; however, methodological/outcome heterogeneity, mixed study quality and small sample sizes precluded quantitative meta-analysis. Neuromodulation, particularly TMS for the treatment of functional motor symptoms, shows preliminary promise in a growing line of research. Larger, sham-controlled studies are needed to further establish efficacy and better understand therapeutic mechanisms.

  2. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Neuromodulation sounds a lot like detoxifying and other BS. Reminds me of early thinking about electricity of the type that lead people to believe it could reanimate corpses.

    Filed under "Oblivious":
    Sometimes a correlation actually is causation. But of course on the rare occasion where it does apply they miss it, since it doesn't give them that soothy feel-good about being right.

    That's frankly like reporting on a jury who acquitted an obviously guilty defendant and who just happened, by mere coincidence, to all be friends and family of the accused. Nothing to see here this is perfectly normal and good.
    Hutan, alktipping and Peter Trewhitt like this.
  3. ToneAl

    ToneAl Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Adelaide Australia
    That Perez musr be a printing press for garbage papers. He is trying drum up so much hype on fnd it looks and feels like a newspaper or TV ad campaign but for the medical profession if you don't look for meanings
    CRG, Peter Trewhitt and Art Vandelay like this.

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