NICE guidelines update

Discussion in 'Science library (Read only)' started by Cheshire, Dec 9, 2018.

  1. Cheshire

    Cheshire Moderator Staff Member

    • NICE documentation

    NICE guidelines 2007:
    Link to document

    2007 NICE guidelines setup:

    General comments from stakeholders (CFS/ME consultation draft 29 September – 24 November 2006)
    Link to document

    2018-2020 NICE guidelines revision:

    Final scope
    Link to document

    Consultation on draft scope Stakeholder comments table (21 June 2018 to 26 July 2018)
    Link to document

    Membership of ME/CFS Guideline Committee
    Link to document

    List of stakeholders
    Link to document

    • Articles and blogposts:

    Trial By Error: Some Thoughts About NICE
    Link to article
    S4ME thread

    ME Association Statement re: NICE ME/CFS Guideline Review and Committee Appointments
    Link to statement
    S4ME thread

    • S4ME threads
    Discussion on the NICE procedure: what to expect next?
    Link to the thread

    Reply from Nice
    Link to the thread

    ME/CFS NICE Guideline - Safety testing of GET in PACE trial

    Link to the thread

    Information about NICE committee members
    Link to the thread

    NICE to update guidelines for MS - Oct 2018
    Link to the thread

    JohnM, Amw66, ladycatlover and 15 others like this.

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