Copied post A master thesis on ME from 2021 at NTNU, I think the patients are from Coperio rehab centre: Translation of the text in the image (reformatted by me): The patients are separated into four subgroups, based on a screening of individual needs and goals. These subgroups are as follows: Avoidant, illness focused, achievement-oriented and confused identity. Those that are categorised as avoidant can have avoidance behavior in social situations, where the CFS/ME diagnosis is related to the distancing to others. Treatment in the avoidant group will focus on teaching the patients to take care of their own needs. This is done by showing the patients how they can relate to others in a good way, without getting a bad conscience. Those in the illness focused group can have a tendency to be afraid of symptoms, where they avoid all activity that cause a worsening of symptoms. Treatment of those in this group will be focused on testing catastrophizing thoughts against reality, and challenge thoughts with the help of behavior experiments and different cognitive questioning techniques. Those in the achievement-oriented group, that also can be categorised as dutiful/perfectionist is dominated by those with high standards of quality. The treatment is to gradually build up activity while teaching the patient cognitive techniques to lower the nervous' system autonomous activation before, during and after physical and mental effort. The last group that is categorised as having a confused identity can contain individuals that have been young, promising athletes that are no longer able to perform. They can ask themselves questions as "who am I now" because they have lost their role or identity as as the physically strong and active individual they were before illness struck. Treatment for this group is focused on acknowledging ones own needs, like becoming better at separating different feelings that arise in different social situations, and making the patients understand why unmet needs can cause different feelings In hindsight I should have made the English more readable, but I am angry at reading this and might have wanted to keep an essence of bad Norwegian in the translation..
Thread on the thesis here: How does pain influence the outcome of CBT in patients with CFS/ME?, Kvam, 2021 (Master thesis)