Practice Pointer: Orthostatic tachycardia after covid-19 2023 Espinosa-Gonzalez, Greenhalgh et al

Discussion in 'Long Covid research' started by Andy, Feb 26, 2023.

  1. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Oh wow we should really look at who is responsible for doing this and put a stop to it. Maybe even discipline those people. You know, because they do harm. Make it a lesson that sticks about exactly the wrong way to do this.

    She seems to still think it's just increased heart rate and nothing else, though. I guess the heart is just doing its thing faster and this has zero cause or impact.

    "Listen to the patients", she says, about patients she silenced before, and still can't quite manage to listen without biased filters. She's pretty much exactly saying many of the things she had dismissed coming from us. It's quite amazing, really. Many dots, no connection made.

    But, hey, small progress that the word dysautonomia and its impact can now be said without cursing through it and feeling nauseous. I'm going to assume she has no idea that about half of pwME have dysautonomia and that nearly every single thing she says in this thread applies to us. Hard to tell.

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