Protein biomarker profiles in serum and CSF in 158 patients with PTLDS or persistent symptoms after tick-bite /acute neuroborreliosis 2022, Nillson

Discussion in ''Conditions related to ME/CFS' news and research' started by Sly Saint, Nov 4, 2022.

  1. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Protein biomarker profiles in serum and CSF in 158 patients with PTLDS or persistent symptoms after presumed tick-bite exposure compared to those in patients with confirmed acute neuroborreliosis

    Current diagnostics for patients with lingering symptoms categorized as post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS) have their limitations and may be difficult to interpret. The aim of this exploratory study was to evaluate the feasibility of protein biomarker profiling as a diagnostic platform for this category of patients and to compare these results with similarly obtained results from a group of patients with acute neuroborreliosis.

    Methods and findings
    Two groups of patient cohorts (Cohort 1 and 2) were analyzed for biomarkers in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); the results were used for group-level comparison. Cohort 1 comprised 158 adult patients selected from 224 previously diagnosed patients, who between October 2015 and December 2018, after referral, were enrolled and structurally investigated based on defined inclusion criteria. They displayed similar lingering symptoms, with a duration of at least 6 months, after presumed previous tick-borne infection (TBI) and are fully described in a previously published study originating from the Center for Vector-borne Infections (CVI), Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden. Cohort 2, comprised 30 patients diagnosed at Uppsala University Hospital between 2016 and 2019 with laboratory-confirmed acute neuroborreliosis. Their proteomic results, based on serum and CSF analyses, were compared with the 158 patients in Cohort 1. The expression and the concentration of potential biomarkers in each patient’s serum and CSF samples were measured based on two multiplex protein panels enabling simultaneous analysis of 92 inflammatory and neurology biomarkers. The PTLDS patient subgroup showed no nominally significant proteins compared to the other CVI patients in Cohort 1. However, CVI patients with signs of inflammation, which were evenly distributed in Cohort 1, showed 16 significantly (p <0.05) different proteins in both CSF and serum, but no association was seen with laboratory-confirmed exposure to Borrelia spp or other TBIs. When comparing the two cohorts, different protein profiles were observed, with 125/148 significantly different proteins in CSF and 93/174 in serum, in patients with laboratory confirmed acute neuroborreliosis, of which 6 in CSF and 6 in serum were significant at the p <0.001 level.

    In this first comprehensive inflammatory and neurological biomarker profile study no differences in biomarker profiles were detected between patients with PTLDS and patients with similar persisting symptoms but who did not meet the PTLDS criteria, regardless of whether laboratory verified previous exposure to Borrelia or other TBI’s were present. However, the expressed markers differed from those found in patients with confirmed acute neuroborreliosis, which does not support the view that PTLDS reflects an ongoing Borrelia infection. Further studies are needed to understand and assess the usefulness of biosignatures of patients with PTLDS before they can be applied in a clinical setting.
    Dolphin, Peter Trewhitt and RedFox like this.

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