Radio Food Programme says doctors not taught about food

Discussion in 'Other health news and research' started by MeSci, Mar 25, 2018.

  1. Snowdrop

    Snowdrop Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I am coming late to this thread and have not read all posts (skimmed)
    I will try and stay on point although the conversation may have drifted elsewhere.

    I think teaching nutrition ought to happen in a simple way in grade school and then as a module in both biology and chemistry (with different focus) in high school (or whatever is equivalent in other countries to mine).

    There are some real caveats. I don't think the focus should be solely on what we ought to put in our mouths.
    I would find that too heavily laden with moral overtones being as it would be taught to people who actually may have (for a variety of reasons) no capacity to change their eating habits.

    The issues around what we put in our mouths are as important as teaching good nutrition -- and here it should be noted that nutrition is a blunt instrument. Nobody but nobody knows what the absolute optimal diet is for each and every one of us in specific detail. A healthy diet can only be discussed in rather broad strokes.

    I would recommend that anyone interested in this topic follow Civil Eats (I follow their twitter feed).
    One cannot get good nutrition from depleted soil. Increasingly this is a distressing reality.

    That (highly)theoretical carrot that you are measuring as input into your I ate this carrot today and that gave me X amount of XYZ is just a construct. In colloquial terms: Actual mileage will vary. These days actual mileage varies greatly. If you want to say you have done due diligence on the pedigree of that carrot then that's fine but that also may not be a realistic possibility for many.

    The relevance of the last bit to learning is that social issues affect peoples ability to comply with what they have learned.
    I can see Dr's using dietary info to bully people and shaming and blaming without being taught that they need to consider these things.

    Apologies if I'm derailing things.
    Awol, Amw66, Wonko and 1 other person like this.
  2. Little Bluestem

    Little Bluestem Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    How horrifying! :emoji_astonished:

    There is a lot more than cereal he could eat - donuts, danishes, bear claws, long johns, and all sorts of prepackaged breakfast pastries (s.a. Pop Tarts, in this country). A veritable smorgasbord of starch and fat! :rolleyes:
    Skycloud and arewenearlythereyet like this.
  3. Milo

    Milo Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Nutrition IS taught in grade school and high school.

    Good nutrition is definitely affected if you have no money to buy nutritious food, or if you are physically unable to prepare food for various reasons.

    You need also to note that people eating burgers and fries can be healthy and thriving, while the food conscious, organic grown no pesticide, no gluten, no dairy no GMO health nut ends up having colon cancer.

    It is complex and there are no single answer for everyone. Moreover i would use caution in judging others for what they eat because the information you think is THE truth may simply be fallacies or simply beliefs that have been carefully crafted and marketed.

    To reiterate, my diet is no what brought me here. Eating better and even losing extra weight made no difference in my health status. Until we know what ails us, i see no benefit in removing a food or an entire food groups from my diet.
  4. arewenearlythereyet

    arewenearlythereyet Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I would also like to add about minerals in vegetables that there is not a lot of proof about the nutritional impact of things like farming the land and magnesium etc. The food standard reference for mineral claims for instance does analyse vegetables and other foods every 10 years and whilst the precision of methods to analyse them has changed, the actual changes in what the amounts are, have gone up and down and in the scheme of things a vegetable is still worth eating even if the amount of the micronutrient has changed 10% or whatever, whether that be by the impact of agricultural depletion of the analytical method changing meaning the figure is now more precise

    There was a detailed discussion on this thread
    Little Bluestem and Wonko like this.
  5. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    Rather than doctors teaching their patients about nutrition, I'm all for putting the emphasis back on schools and parents.

    I remember when my son went to university and was sharing a flat with 7 other 18 year old lads, he told me he was cooking his dinner one evening and several of the others expressed amazement that he was preparing and cooking broccoli and carrot for himself. They clearly thought he was bonkers to be voluntarily eating vegetables. It was a concept completely outside their experience. And a flatmate in a subsequent year lived almost entirely on icecream.
    Little Bluestem, MeSci and Wonko like this.

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