Rationale and methodology for examining the combination of aerobic exercise and cognitive rehabilitation on new learning and memory in persons with MS

Discussion in 'Other health news and research' started by Sly Saint, Sep 7, 2024 at 4:17 PM.

  1. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    • The impact of cognitive impairment in MS increases with greater disease progression (i.e., mobility disability).

    • Cognitive rehabilitation effectively improves one specific domain of learning and memory (i.e., list-learning).

    • Combining cognitive rehabilitation and aerobic exercise may lead to bigger and broader cognitive improvements.

    • Adding virtual reality to exercise may further improve learning and memory by increasing the multisensory demand.

    • This trial will provide Class I evidence supporting this combinatory treatment for MS-related learning and memory.

    This paper describes the protocol for a Phase I/II, parallel-group, single-blind randomized controlled trial (RCT). The RCT investigates the combined effects of 12-weeks of aerobic exercise training (AET) integrated with virtual reality (VR) and cognitive rehabilitation (CR) on new learning and memory in 78 persons with multiple sclerosis (MS) who have mobility disability and objective impairments in learning and memory.

    Participants will undergo baseline assessments consisting of neuropsychological testing, neuroimaging, self-report questionnaires, and cardiorespiratory fitness. Participants will then be randomized into one of two conditions using concealed allocation: aerobic cycling exercise that incorporates VR combined with CR or stretching and toning (i.e., active control; S/T) combined with CR. Participants will be masked regarding the intent of the conditions. After 7-weeks of exercise alone, the 5-week Kessler Foundation modified Story Memory Technique (KF-mSMT®) will be integrated into the training. After the 12-week training period, participants will complete the same measures as at baseline administered by treatment-blinded assessors. Primary study outcomes include new learning and memory (NLM) measured by a small battery of neuropsychological assessments that assess list learning (California Verbal Learning Test-II), prose memory (Memory Assessment Scale), visuospatial memory (Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised), and everyday memory (Ecological Memory Simulations). Secondary study outcomes include neuroimaging outcomes of hippocampal structure, function, and connectivity.

    If successful, this trial will provide the first Class I evidence supporting the unique combination of aerobic cycling exercise with VR and CR for treating MS-related learning and memory impairments in persons with mobility disability.

    Rationale and methodology for examining the combination of aerobic exercise and cognitive rehabilitation on new learning and memory in persons with multiple sclerosis and mobility disability: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial - ScienceDirect

    New protocol explores the combination of aerobic exercise and cognitive rehabilitation for MS patients (msn.com)
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2024 at 4:25 PM
    bobbler likes this.
  2. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Worthless methodology, but why bother doing the study when this much bias is evident? Just assert it and call everyone who points out the flaws anti-recovery activists.

    I often wonder where these people actually believe they're doing science, or know full well that everything they do is mindless BS. None of the substance of their 'program' ever matters, it all gets tossed into reviews that combine multiple biased studies under a simple label, which in this case would probably yet again be just CBT, or maybe generic rehabilitation, which may as well be labeled 'doing whatever'. Every single detail gets lost. It's like combining several drug trials where in the end all the drugs are mixed in together with zero information about what's in them.

    So since the substance is irrelevant and the methodology is so blatantly biased towards getting a favorable outcome, this is basically the same trial over and over again, thousands of times at this point, all identical where it matters. It doesn't even matter who the participants are, what they have or the goals that are pursued. None of this matters. They could just mass-produce fake data and it wouldn't make any difference.

    But they can't stop doing it. The same worthless ritual. Mindless performance art.

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