Reversals in psychology, 2020, blog by argmin gravitas

Discussion in 'Research methodology news and research' started by ME/CFS Skeptic, Jul 6, 2021.

  1. Invisible Woman

    Invisible Woman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I was discussing what LP was with IM today. I'd mentioned it before and he knew what I thought of it but didn't really know what it was. Just thought it was something else that didn't work.

    He genuinely thought I was joking or deliberately explaining it in such a way to add ridicule. I explained, nope, that's literally what it is.

    Then I explained they were teaching it to kids - kids without a parent or guardian present, being told to say Stop when they felt a symptom, told for the treatment to work they must always say they are better to their parents, doctor or teacher.

    He stopped laughing.

    Then I told him that healthcare services like the NHS were interested/considering in referring adults and kids for LP courses. That's when he got really annoyed.

    He said: " bad enough that it exists and is inflicted on kids but the thoughts of my bl@@dy tax and NI (national insurance contributions) being used to fund this is outrageous. "

    I reckon if people thought this is what NHS might consider spending their overstretched budget on they'd be absolutely hopping mad.
    Nightsong, Mithriel, chrisb and 12 others like this.
  2. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Honestly I think that's one of the reasons why it crept this far. It's completely unbelievable when you explain to people that medicine could take this seriously if it's just as described. And that's on top of how unbelievably cruel and immoral the general neglect of this disease, which is also unbelievable, it's not reconcilable with the role of medicine.

    And yet YES THEY DO. They do that all the time, there is no limit for how dumb or absurd it can get. So even exposing how dumb and absurd it all is makes no difference because people just can't believe this would even happen. And so it does happen.
  3. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member

    The Big Lie is a thing, and it works, unfortunately.

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