Solve ME/CFS Initiative fundraising

Discussion in 'Fundraising' started by Andy, Nov 16, 2020.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    From an email.

    The Solve M.E. Board Member Challenge
    Solve ME/CFS Initiative (Solve M.E.) is proud to kick off our #GivingTuesday campaign with the introduction of our $500,000 matching grant.

    Generous members of the Solve M.E. Board have promised to match all gifts made to Solve M.E. before midnight on December 31st up to $500,000!

    With the $1 Million Double Your Money Challenge, your gift will be doubled and go twice as far to help identify treatments that will improve quality of life for people who have suffered too long.

    For every tax-deductible dollar you give between now and December 31st our Board Member Match will double it.

    Don't miss this opportunity to double your generosity—Click here!

    Wondering why you should Double YOUR tax-deductible gift to continue your support of Solve ME's Congressional efforts? Click on the short video to learn more.

    Expand research and Congressional opportunities. Double your generosity—Click here!

    Do You Work for a Match-Maker?

    Instantly find out if your employer will double or even triple your donations to Solve M.E.
    Many companies will match donations made by their employees, employee spouses, and/or retirees within the past year. Search now to access your company’s matching gift forms and apply today.​
    Thank you again for your continued generosity and support in the fight against Myalgic Encephalomyelitis /Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

    You can help us reach these goals by searching for your own match-eligibilityClick here now!

    #GivingTuesday celebrates generosity worldwide by providing people everywhere with an opportunity to give more, give smarter, and give great.
    ahimsa, sebaaa, Yessica and 6 others like this.
  2. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    From a Solve email.

    "Generous donors who are the parents and friends of people with ME/CFS have committed to donating one dollar for every dollar raised, challenging us to reach $500,000 by June 30.

    All gifts made to Solve M.E. from now until June 30th will be matched up to $250,000—doubling your impact in our fight to help those suffering from ME/CFS, Long COVID and other post-infectious diseases!

    Solve M.E.’s $500,000 Double Your Money Challenge starts NOW!


    Your gift will be immediately poured into actionable, powerful tools for change, like the You + ME Registry and Biobank, Advocacy Week, and the Ramsay Grant Program—all helping us work toward treatments and a cure for ME/CFS, Long COVID and other post-infectious illnesses.

    Now is your chance to double your gift to Solve M.E. through the $500,000 Double Your Money Challenge so together we can fight for the millions of people who suffer from ME/CFS. Thank you for your generosity!"
    Trish, MEMarge, Yessica and 2 others like this.
  3. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    "When you make your gift by December 31, generous members of our board of directors will match up to $500,000!

    Your gift — whatever the size — will be doubled!"
    Trish likes this.

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