Staphylococcus aureus Bacteraemia: A Hidden Factor in the Pathogenesis of Human Disease, JA Morris (2017)

Discussion in 'Epidemics (including Covid-19, not Long Covid)' started by Samuel, Jul 17, 2020.

  1. Samuel

    Samuel Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    idk where to post this, and idk what value it has.

    it has been claimed in an online comment to be relevant to

    [1] cytokine storm on

    "A number of strains produce pyrogenic toxins which are the likeliest cause of the cytokine cascade in Covid-19"

    and [2] suggested to be related to long covid in the same place

    and [3] itself says it is relevant to chronic diseases.

    with a [4] possible whiff of alternativeness [by which i mean idk anything about what body of research lies behind it].

    the paper is

    and for non-pdf.

    "The research programme that we should pursue is therefore
    clear. Measure urinary IgG, serum inflammatory markers and
    faecal carriage of S. aureus in a wide range of chronic diseases.
    If there is evidence of increased staphylococcal carriage and
    staphylococcal bacteraemia then encourage the patient and family
    members to consume yoghurt (natural, live, no added sugar, full
    fat) on a daily basis thereafter."


    given that at least one of the m.e. cytokine studies [wpi i think] reported particularly high il-6 and high il-8 in one m.e. cohort, i wonder if that is relevant to covid cytokine storm or long covid in a subset of pwme.

    also i wonder whether undetected existing upper respiratory staph colonization or infection could be relevant to m.e.


    ETA: it looks like a prospective study reported transient high il-6?:
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2020
    alktipping, janice, Kitty and 2 others like this.
  2. Samuel

    Samuel Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    p.s. in my own case i have a long term refractory nasopharyngeal colonization of staph aureus. it was made worse by, and detected by, a nasopharyngeal swab [a kind with hooks].

    this paper if it has any relevance to anything might suggest some pwme might have staph someplace.

    i was also tested by blood by an intramural nih lab to have high inflammatory cytokines, including high single-digit il-6, tnf alpha in low double digits, and an il-8 level greater than 1000 [!].

    i was told that the cytokines i was tested for were all supposed to be in single digits, not quadruple.
  3. Amw66

    Amw66 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    High staph aureus in GI map test last year. Have had no further testing. ( a few high and low markers including C Diff )

    Practitioner advised that she sees high staph aureus commonly with clients with anxiety/ autism.
    alktipping, Samuel and Kitty like this.

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