The "harassment" campaign - references

Discussion in 'Science library (Read only)' started by Cheshire, Nov 3, 2017.

  1. Cheshire

    Cheshire Moderator Staff Member


    Press articles

    Mind over body?
    New Scientist
    Clare Wilson (Simon Wessely interview)
    2009, 11 march
    Link to article

    'Torrent of abuse' hindering ME research
    BBC News
    Tom Feilden
    2011, 29 july
    Link to article

    'Vicious campaign' against ME researchers

    BBC News
    2011, 29 july
    Link to article

    ME researchers 'receive death threats from sufferers'

    The Telegraph
    2011, 29 july
    Link to article

    Doctor reveals intimidation and abuse of scientists researching ME causes

    The Irish Independent
    Theo Usherwoo
    2011, 29 july
    Link to article

    Scientists investigating ME get 'death threats' for investigating psychological causes
    The Daily Mail
    Jenny Hope
    2011, 30 July
    Link to article

    Head case
    The Economist
    2011, 30 July
    Link to article

    Shoot the medical messenger – see if that’ll cure you
    The Sunday Times
    Rod Liddle
    2011, 31 July
    Link to article

    ‘Disease of the brain, not the mind, has no stigma’
    The Times: today’s columnists
    Prof Colin Blakemore
    2011, 2 August
    Link to article

    Chronic fatigue syndrome researchers face death threats from militants

    The Guardian
    Robin McKie
    2011, 21 august
    Link to article

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Death threats for scientists?
    Carl Zimmer
    2011, 21 August
    Link to article

    Chronic Fatigue Scientists Get Death Threats
    The Scientist
    Tia Ghose
    2011, 23 August
    Link to article

    Protesters have got it all wrong on ME
    The telegraph
    Max Pemberton
    2011, 29 august
    Link to article

    Chronic Fatigue: Enough Energy Left for Death Threats, Anyway
    Science Translational Medicine
    Derek Lowe
    2011, 6 September
    Link to article

    The findings of a study into the role of viruses in ME will not be acceptable to some sufferers
    The Telegraph
    Max Pemberton
    2012, 24 september
    Link to article
    Link to Pemberton Tweets

    It’s safer to insult the Prophet Mohammed than to contradict the armed wing of the ME brigade’
    Daily Telegraph
    Damian Thompson
    2012, 28 September
    Link to article

    ME: bitterest row yet in a long saga
    The Independent
    Sanchez Manning
    2012, 25 November
    Link to article

    This man faced death threats and abuse. His crime? He suggested that ME was a mental illness
    The Sunday Times
    Michael Hanlon
    2013, 5 May
    Link to article
    Link to printed article

    How the ME zealots tried to terrorise me
    The Daily Mail
    Max Pemberton
    2015, 31 october
    Link to article (scroll down)
    Link to images of the first version of this article

    The ME lobby is just a symptom of our stupidity about mental illness
    The Spectator
    Rod Liddle
    7 November 2015
    Link to article


    Science by Intimidation
    Steven Novella
    2011, Sep 01
    Link to blog

    Inconvenient truths
    SMC blog
    Fiona Fox
    2017, 28 september

    Link to blog

    Other publications

    Threats of persecution
    Science Media Centre: Anniversary Brochure
    Interviews with Dr Esther Crawley and Tom Feilden (p. 16-17)
    Link to brochure

    Letter to the editor protesting false allegations made against Simon Wessely
    The Independent
    Letter signed by (amongst others): Peter White, Michael Sharpe, Esther Crawley, Stephen Holgate, Rona Moss-Morris, Alastair Miller, George Davey-Smith, Gabrielle Murphy, Hazel O'Dowd, Alison Wearden, Trudie Chalder
    2012, 12 december
    Link to letter (scroll down)

    Chronic fatigue syndrome
    Link to article

    Parliamentary debates

    PACE Trial: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
    House of Lords Hansard
    2013, 6 february
    See Lord Winston intervention - 5.36 pm
    Link to debate report


    Comparison of treatments for chronic fatigue syndrome - the PACE trial
    ABC Aus
    Interview with Michael Sharpe, psychiatrist and Richard Horton, Editor in Chief of The Lancet
    2011, 18 April
    Link to broadcast

    Talks, lectures

    Standing up for Science: A panel discussion
    2017, 29 march
    Link to presentation

    How open should open data be?
    Better Science through Better Data
    Esther Crawley
    2017, 25 october
    S4ME thread

    Disrupting Your View Of ME
    Esther Crawley
    2017, 2 november
    S4ME thread
    Link to video: Part 1 - Part 2

    John Maddox Prize for Standing up for Science 2012 granted to Simon Wessely

    2012 John Maddox Prize
    Sense about Science
    Link to article

    Psychiatrist and journalist win prize for defending science
    The Lancet
    Becky McCall
    2012 17 November
    Link to article

    Esther Crawley gets 'commendation' at 2017 Maddox Prize awards

    Sense about Science
    Link to article
    S4ME thread


    Critiques and rebuttal of the threats narrative

    Articles and blog posts

    Wessely’s Words Revisited
    Malcolm Hooper
    2011, 30th July

    Link to article

    'The Threats', a stunning new thriller from UK media
    Velo-gubbed legs
    Nasim Marie Jafry
    2011, 1 september
    Link to blog

    Sticks and stones
    Velo-gubbed legs
    Nasim Marie Jafry
    2012, 1 october
    Link to blog

    My email correspondence with Journalist Michael Hanlon regarding a proposed Sunday Times article
    Angela Kennedy
    2013, 6 february
    Link to correspondence

    Shining A Light On The CMRC Setup

    The Young ME Sufferers Trust
    2014, august
    Link to report

    My (current) position on the PACE trial
    Nick Brown

    2015, 14 december
    Link to blog

    Trial By Error, Continued: A Few Words About “Harassment”

    Virology blog
    David Tuller
    2016, 1 February
    Link to blog

    Centre for Welfare Reform
    George Faulkner
    2016, april
    Link to report (see p.22, 47)

    Major breakthrough on PACE trial
    Center for Walfare Reform
    George Faulkner
    2016, august 19
    Link to article (quote tribunal FOI verdict, see below)

    No Reported Harassment at Bristol University (Information Obtained Under FOI)
    The Young ME Sufferers Trust
    Link to article
    S4ME thread

    Esther Crawley claims harassment, university has no record
    Adam Lowe
    2017, 30 october
    Link to article


    UK Column News
    2017, 10 November
    Link to video (37.30 - 39.33)
    S4ME thread


    Complaint to the Press Complaints Commission
    29th August 2011
    Link to complaint

    Complaint to the Press Complaints Commission against the Daily Telegraph
    2011, november
    Link to complaint

    Court order on Alem Matthees FOI request about QMUL PACE data
    Link to court order (p.33, 36)
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2017
    Sean, Hutan, Forbin and 31 others like this.
  2. Cheshire

    Cheshire Moderator Staff Member

    2018/2019 Campaign

    Science journal to withdraw chronic fatigue review amid patient activist complaints
    Kate Kelland

    October 2018
    Link to article
    S4ME thread

    Republished in:
    The South China Morning Post (here)
    Medscape (here)
    Japan Today (here -expired now)

    Articles linked:
    Scientists Withdraw Study About Chronic Fatigue Amid Patients, Activists Criticism
    Business Times China / KM.D (article)
    Study backing exercise for chronic fatigue withdrawn
    6 minutes Australia (article)
    Cochrane drar tillbaka ME-översikt
    Dagens Medicin, Sweden (article / Google translate)
    Vil trekke tilbake ME- forskning etter kritikk
    forskning, Norway (article / Google translate)

    What role should the public play in science? - Science Weekly podcast
    The Guardian's Science Weekly podcast , 2 Nov 2018
    Link to podcast
    S4ME thread

    Cochrane drar tillbaks rapport om gradvis ökad träning vid ME/CFS
    pacegranskaren (blogpost / Google translate)
    GET Paper Withdrawal Shocks CBT/GET Proponents – Emboldens ME/CFS Advocates
    Healthrising / Cort Jonson (blogpost)
    Forty-one international scientists have signed a declaration supporting Cochrane’s decision to withdraw its controversial review of exercise therapy in ME/CFS
    notthesciencebit / Brian Hughes (blogpost)

    Online activists are silencing us, scientists say

    Kate Kelland
    March 2019

    Link to article
    S4ME thread

    Republished in:
    The New York Post - USA (here)
    The New York Times - USA (here)
    Medscape - USA (here)

    Articles linked:
    Top Oxford researcher trying to bust the mystery of chronic fatigue syndrome says he QUIT and turned his focus to new research because trolls are 'too hostile'
    The Daily Mail (UK) Natalie Rahhal (article)
    Trolls force Oxford expert to stop research into ME
    The Times (UK) Chris Smyth (article)
    Always fatigued — yet they never tire of claiming their malady really is a virus
    The Times (UK) Rod Liddle (article / S4ME thread)
    Treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome is a complicated matter
    The Times (UK) Dr Mark Porter (article)

    Radio 4 Today BBC / Tom Feilden
    Michael Sharpe's interview (podcast - 2:45 / transcription / S4ME thread)

    Critical of the Reuters' narrative

    Rod Liddle vilifies disabled people. I’m tired of the hate. We all should be
    The Guardian (UK) Frances Ryan (article / S4ME tread)
    M.E. Patients and the Researchers that Silence Them
    Medium - Laura Elliott (article / S4ME thread)
    The establishment media has launched a vicious ‘war’ on chronically ill people
    The Canary (UK) Fréa Lockley (article / S4ME thread)

    PACE trial for chronic fatigue syndrome (still) being put through its paces: a reply
    Questioning Answers / Paul Whiteley (blogpost)
    The media is waging a coordinated war against chronically ill and disabled people
    mrtopple / Steve Topple (blogpost / S4ME thread)

    To the editor:
    Fighting for Rigorous Science and Accurate Reporting
    MEAction (letter)

    To the journalist:
    Trial By Error: My Letter to Kate Kelland
    David Tuller (letter / S4ME thread)


    Is standing up for expertise a fool’s errand?
    Times Higher Education, Anna McKie (Article / S4ME thread)

    Criticism of Michael Sharpe's vision of ME activism

    Apparently just by talking about it, I’m super-spreading long Covid
    The Guardian (UK) George Monbiot (Opinion piece / S4ME thread)

    Trial By Error: The World According to Sharpe
    David Tuller (Blog) (Discussed in the S4ME thread about Monbiot's opinion piece)

    Last edited: Apr 16, 2021
    Yann04, Sean, cfsandmore and 15 others like this.

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