The medical practice of silencing, 2021, Rageshri Dhairyawan

Discussion in 'Other health news and research' started by SNT Gatchaman, Apr 7, 2024.

  1. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Medicine working entirely in an echo chamber is probably mostly to blame here. It's big enough for it and has long had a tradition of working on their own, with their own schools separate from the rest, and very little collaboration with other fields of expertise. So many of those problems have been solved in other disciplines. Most of them, really, and not necessarily from expert professions.

    The issue of pejorative language is a pretty big time in Law, as is the issue of language in general. The above would be like calling a defendant "the killer", or some other language that uses sub-text to influence things one way. This is the kind of thing that gets you talked in a side-bar with the judge and a lot of frowning. And then there's all the stereotyping. So much stereotyping going on. But it's all permitted in health care, largely because of all the secrecy and how it's abused, because it's mostly kept secret.

    So much of it is also just basic human issues, the problems go far beyond technical expertise. Language being one of the main issues I see all the time. It's a good example of how intellectually impoverished some technical fields can be without soft skills.

    They use language and behave in ways where if they were the patients they would be outraged, but they can't know that because it's only because their model of illness is flawed. They think it's appropriate for what they believe about the illness, but can only know it's wrong if they experience it. Someone ought to write a "The bastards don't want to do better" paper :laugh:.

    The only way for this to change is probably AI medicine. Once it starts becoming available, people will overwhelmingly choose AIs, and not just for the superior skills and 24/7 immediate availability, but because they are so much nicer and empathic. It doesn't seem to have sunk in with most people that the stuff that most believed would be the hardest for AIs to do, things like art and behaving like an empathic human, is actually very easy, and that they will be especially superior at it.
    Amw66, Arnie Pye, JemPD and 5 others like this.

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