This woman with [fibromyalgia] wants to end her life, but can't get assisted death

Discussion in 'Other health news and research' started by rvallee, Dec 9, 2019.

  1. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    (Be warned: difficult topic)

    Discussion in Canadian media over assisted suicide of a fibromyalgia patient. From her own words it appears she does not want to die but wants to communicate the fact that the status quo is so bad it leaves her no choice unless options change. Familiar theme, unfortunately.

    Assisted suicide is strict and limited, enacted by provinces. As it should be, but the lack of any meaningful support and research essentially creates impossible circumstances for some. This is a similar debate to what is happening in... Sweden? Where the same right is being discussed and the same platitudes offered in response.
  2. shak8

    shak8 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    So sad...and at age 27.

    I question whether a very talented anaesthesia-pain doc might help her enough for her to question her decision--IV sedation by visiting nurses (expensive) because

    some of the symptoms can change and lessen as time passes; perhaps there is some adaptation within the pain system.

    It is just hard for me to comprehend this this morning.
  3. InitialConditions

    InitialConditions Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    North-West England
    "without any real biological source"....

    why can't reporters get this right. "without any known biological source" is infinitely better.
  4. shak8

    shak8 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I just can't accept that there is no medical/surgical help for her. I need find out whether she has tried an intrathecal (spinal) device. This, as far I know, is still used for intractable pain and give the patient opioid type drugs or any other useful substances directly into the central nervous system.

    If this hasn't been offered, or if she has refused it, I have to find out.


    I have contacted the medical reporter of the above for Justine's contact info.

    Probably all that can be done in the Canadian health care system has been done (but I don't know and can't easily let go of this...the nurse in me awoke).
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2019
    ScottTriGuy, Louie41, Mij and 5 others like this.
  5. Joeblow604

    Joeblow604 Established Member (Voting Rights)

    The problem in the Canadian medical system is often a Fibro Dx means they don't want to look further or deal with you anymore. Many doctors still don't accept ME and give a fibro Dx in its place. An ME Dx also means they don't want to look further or deal with you anymore. Being a public system we can't doctor shop much other than a new gp. And a shortage of them in many places. We are at the mercy of your GP to make a referral to a specialist. MRI can be a year or 2 wait if you can even get one. I've got a new symptom recently, lump on my neck and a horrible ring in my head and asked GP for a CT scan but his answer was Nope. He just chalks it up to ME, a disease he doesn't even know, and send me home untreated. Its not easy to get help in our system. Some people get lucky and navigate the system better but most do not.
  6. Guest 2176

    Guest 2176 Guest

    I think it's entirely reasonable to have assisted suicide available for terrible, incurable conditions. And affordable. Not flying all the way to Switzerland after a lengthy application process...

    I do not love the idea of a super clinical setting for my death, but if it was the only way to spare family a mess and some legal culpability I would strongly consider it.

    So we are not allowed even palliative care and then we have to beg for death? The amount of rage this situation inspires in me is immeasurable.

    There is little chance that I or anyone else will be fully cured anytime soon.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2019
  7. svetoslav80

    svetoslav80 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The question is who judges which condition is terrible and incurable. A doctor? Then what happens if the patient wants to end their life because of some unrecognized condition (like CFS). I find it humiliating that somebody decides for you if you have a right to end your own life. Everybody should decide for theireselves.
  8. Perrier

    Perrier Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Yes, dear Joe, you describe the hell of the Canadian system very well. Thanks. We have no help at all. When absolutely necessary, we use a private clinic and pay cash because it means not waiting in the waiting room for hours. One has to live in Canada and see this system at work to really appreciate how miserable it is.
    ScottTriGuy, Joeblow604 and Louie41 like this.
  9. Perrier

    Perrier Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Dear Debored, I entirely understand your statements. They are shared by our family member. I am utterly outraged that no treatment to deal with the most miserable symptoms of this illness have not been found. Prisoners when they will be released, but the severely ill do not. You are a fine writer and I suggest you scribble things down in a notebook, if you don't already.
    ScottTriGuy, Guest 2176 and Louie41 like this.

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