Investment in our 'US goose' that hopefully will lay a golden egg of truth! Despite Reuters KK and MS trying to 'kill the goose with their short-sighted attempts at destruction of a valuable resource,.... their unprofitable actions motivated by self aggrandisement? , greed? ..... personal delusion... who knows their motives!
I try to refrain myself from speculating publicly on this. (privately I might speculate a lot). but who can really tell what's going on with others?
could be "members." But in American English the usage is fine as is. (I think--but I could be wrong.)
Absolutely fine, @dave30th. Just one of the many fascinating differences between UK English and American English.
Just a quick double-check @dave30th. "After Berkeley takes a 5% gift fee and a 2.5% credit card fee (except from the few donations made in the form of paper checks)". In the UK the credit card fee is truly only charged on credit cards, not debit cards. Is that true for the US or not? Just being pedantic .