UK: Call for evidence for National Disability Strategy inquiry, close 24th July 2022

Discussion in 'General disability topics and advocacy' started by Andy, May 28, 2022.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    The Women and Equalities Committee is scrutinising the implementation and further development of the Government’s National Disability Strategy, which was published in July 2021. The Committee wants to hear from as many people as possible, especially disabled people. We have produced the call for evidence in multiple formats: text, audio, British Sign Language and EasyRead.

    The Committee would like to hear your views on the following questions. You don’t have to answer all of the questions. You can respond on behalf of an organisation, or as an individual. The deadline for submissions is Sunday 24 July 2022.

    The National Disability Strategy

    • How was the National Disability Strategy developed? How have stakeholder contributions informed the strategy?
    • How will the National Disability Strategy help disabled people to enjoy equal living standards and life opportunities to those without disabilities?
    • What progress has been made on the strategy so far? How quickly can some of the short-term goals be met?
    • How effectively is the Government communicating with disabled people and involving them in the implementation and further development of the strategy?
    • What progress has been made on the Disability Unit’s review into the way the Government engages with disabled people?
    • How well are the goals in the strategy being funded and measured for success?
    • Are there any specific groups that will be supported well, or supported badly, by the strategy?
    More at

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