UK: 'Claimants health put at risk by fit note scandal' B & W News

Discussion in 'Work, Finances and Disability Insurance' started by Simbindi, Mar 27, 2019.

  1. Simbindi

    Simbindi Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Somerset, England
    I wouldn't usually post the news from the Benefits and Work website, but this item will be relevant to anyone claiming ESA or UC.

    From 26th March updates:

    In spite of the risk to claimants’ health, the DWP are wilfully discouraging doctors from issuing fit notes to employment and support allowance (ESA) claimants who need them in order to claim benefits. The DWP claim changes to standard letters to GPs were agreed by the British Medical Association (BMA), but admits there is no written record of any such agreement.

    Claimants who have lodged an appeal can continue to receive ESA provided they have a current fit note from their GP.

    In the past, when a claimant was found capable of work, the DWP sent out a letter to their GP stating that there was no need to issue further fit notes.

    However, the letter went on to say that:

    This means you do not have to give your patient any more medical statements for benefit

    purposes. But you may have to give your patient new medical statements if:

    they decide to appeal against our decision

    their condition gets significantly worse

    they have a new medical condition.

    The new ESA65B tells GPs that their patient has been found to be ‘capable of doing some work’. As a result of this decision, the letter goes on to say:

    As a result of this decision, [Title] [Surname] is not entitled to ESA from and you do not need to provide any more fit notes to [select] relating to [select] disability/health condition for ESA purposes.

    There is no longer any mention of what to do if the claimant’s health condition deteriorates or if the claimant appeals.

    For the full story:

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