Closed UK: DecodeME updates, was recruitment thread.

Discussion in 'Recruitment into current ME/CFS research studies' started by Andy, Sep 12, 2022.

  1. duncan

    duncan Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    So I am well aware I lack clarity. But if ME/CFS is caused by any persistent infection, isn't perfecting diagnostics more important than seeing if a certain gene variation leaves someone more susceptible to a pathogen? Yes, that's a big if, but so is assuming there is a genetic role here. We could potentially merely be exchanging rabbit holes.

    I'm also concerned that if an association is suggested, this doesn't simply lead to more patient blaming, e.g., bad genes vs bad luck.
    Peter Trewhitt, Hutan and RedFox like this.
  2. Wyva

    Wyva Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Budapest, Hungary
    I don't understand how discovering something that the patient has no influence over at all could lead to more patient blaming. The point of the BPS patient blaming is that the patients could improve if they really wanted to. People have no influence over their genes.

    Actually, DecodeME discovering an association would be a huuuuuge step forward for us in getting taken more seriously as a biomedical disease. I'm sure there would be increased interest in us. Maybe afterwards we would be like MS for a long time, still without a cure, still waiting to be fully understood. But even being taken as seriously as MS with similar resources for biomedical research would mean a lot.
  3. duncan

    duncan Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Human nature.

    Agreed. Nor do they over the pathogen by which they are infected. Perhaps it's just a pick your own poison. If I were directing monies I'd prioritize new and better diagnostics for herpes variants and enteroviruses and tick-borne diseases, etc.
    Or the opposite could happen if no association is found, or the ones that are found are deemed spurious.

    But this is a good area to research, for sure.
    Peter Trewhitt, Hutan and RedFox like this.
  4. Sid

    Sid Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Psychiatric disorders also have genetic associations.
  5. duncan

    duncan Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  6. Barry

    Barry Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    What is the likely timescale for being able to decide if such a trial is viable? And if so, what would then be the likely timescale for getting such a trial done and reporting on its findings? Presumably even if that all went well, a full-scale trial would then need to be done?
  7. Sid

    Sid Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    We have every reason to be super cautious. Have the genetic association studies (eg polygenic risk scores) in psychiatry led to a reduction in stigmatisation/abuse of patients with schizophrenia, depression etc? Nope, not in the slightest. There's no clear pathway from finding a genetic association and being treated seriously as a biomedical disease.
    sebaaa, Peter Trewhitt, Ariel and 6 others like this.
  8. Barry

    Barry Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Is it possible sometimes that a genetic anomaly is discovered that, although distinct in its own right, has a sufficiently strong similarity to some other, better understood condition, such as to suggest it shares some commonality with that condition?
    Peter Trewhitt and bobbler like this.
  9. Hoopoe

    Hoopoe Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    As far as I know it's not uncommon for SNPs or genes to be associated with multiple distinct illnesses.

    Some illnesses believed to be distinct have also been recognized as being the same thing thanks to genetics research.

    In my opinion is the genetic risk factors for a complex illness like ME/CFS are going to overlap with those of many other illnesses.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2023
  10. RedFox

    RedFox Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I'd love to see an American GWAS to replicate DecodeME. I've heard rumors that the NIH is considering a genetics study.
    Wyva, Jacob Richter, sebaaa and 8 others like this.
  11. duncan

    duncan Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    BTW, one of the reasons I think DecodeME has merit is the seeming relevance of the 80/20 rule in both Long Covid and Lyme. Is there a significant minority of the population that find it more difficult to clear pathogens due to genetics?
    Jacob Richter, sebaaa, EzzieD and 3 others like this.
  12. Shadrach Loom

    Shadrach Loom Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    Good to see a plug for Decode ME in issue one of the National Institute for Health and Care Research’s email Research Roundup. They say:

    Sasha, Jacob Richter, EzzieD and 9 others like this.
  13. Hoopoe

    Hoopoe Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Do you remember any details?

    I heard Ron Davis was given a NIH grant for studying the HLA genes and found some risk SNPs for ME/CFS. It should be published soon.
    Wyva, Binkie4, Jacob Richter and 8 others like this.
  14. Peter Trewhitt

    Peter Trewhitt Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I am out of the sequence of comments, but I don’t think even if successful DecodeME will identify a specific genetic cause for ME, rather identify an association which will give clues as to which biological system or biomedical aspect to investigate for possible aetiologies and/or possible treatments.

    There is a chance there will be no genetic component but the real hope is this study will give big clues where to focus investigations into the causes and treatments of ME.
    Wyva, Binkie4, Jacob Richter and 11 others like this.
  15. Hoopoe

    Hoopoe Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Knowing the specific pathways that contribute to causing ME/CFS could be very valuable.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2023
    Ariel, sebaaa, EzzieD and 8 others like this.
  16. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    One of the questions DecodeME participants are asked is whether they are willing to be contacted to be invited to take part in future research. Such research would need a lot of funding. I hope enough shows up in the genetic data to justify very large future funding allocation for such next steps.
    Ariel, ahimsa, Barry and 9 others like this.
  17. RedFox

    RedFox Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    That's really good. I'm very surprised that there's currently no system that lets you register as interested in doing research, and sends you an e-mail when a study that might interest you is recruiting.
    Dolphin, Trish and Andy like this.
  18. Andy

    Andy Retired committee member

    Hampshire, UK
    In the UK there is,, but awareness of it is low.
    Ariel, Binkie4, AknaMontes and 3 others like this.
  19. RedFox

    RedFox Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    There's probably one in America too. I bet awareness is a big problem. I'm sure interest in participating in studies is low among the general public.
    Dolphin and Andy like this.
  20. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member


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