UK: Petition: It’s time to #BackThe1in6 [living with with a neurological condition]

Discussion in 'Petitions' started by Andy, Jun 30, 2022.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    It’s time to #BackThe1in6
    1 in 6 people in the UK live with a neurological condition, but there simply aren’t the workforce or services in place to support them. This must change.

    Sign the petition now
    From delays to lifechanging treatment and care, to a lack of mental health support, we need Governments across the UK to back the 1 in 6, and set up a Neuro Taskforce to deliver real change.

    Sign the petition now.

    In 2021/2022, The Neurological Alliance ran a survey – My Neuro Survey – to give a picture of the experience of care, treatment and support for people affected by neurological conditions. Over 8,500 people took part.

    The UK wide survey was run in partnership with the Neurological Alliances of Scotland and Wales and the Northern Ireland Neurological Charities Alliance. There was also a version specifically for children and young people with a neurological condition.

    Over 8,500 people shared their experiences and reported:

    • Delays to treatment and care can change your life forever. 55% of adults and 60% of children and young people living with a neurological condition experienced delays to routine appointments with specialists in the last year.
    • Most people with a neurological condition are unable to access the mental wellbeing support they need. 40% reported their mental wellbeing needs are not being met at all.
    • Finding out you have a neurological condition is scary and confusing. Receiving the right information and support can make a real difference. 2 in 10 were not given an explanation of their diagnosis. Almost 4 in 10 adults reported not being given any information at all.
    1 in 6 people in the UK live with a neurological condition but there simply isn’t the workforce or services in place to support them. We are calling on UK governments to back the 1 in 6 and establish a Neuro Taskforce to address these problems and create real change.

    Sign the petition now

    More at
  2. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Does anyone have more info on the Neurological Alliance. And in particular what, with regard to ME/CFS they know about re: the issues of bad treatment paradigms and 'FND', 'MUS' etc?

    There is a petition today with the similar call to action:

    "We are calling on UK governments to back the 1 in 6 and establish a Neuro Taskforce to address these problems and create real change."

    And I can see pros and risks from the historical way things have ended up getting used by opportunists in the ME/CFS arena so would like to know more
    Wonko, Peter Trewhitt and Trish like this.

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