United Kingdom: Bedfordshire Chronic Fatigue Service

Discussion in 'UK clinics and doctors' started by Barry, Nov 7, 2021.

  1. Barry

    Barry Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Moved posts
    ME Association - "Bedfordshire Chronic Fatigue Service and the new NICE guideline – feedback required"


    Reporting about this sly bit of rebranding:

    The new guideline makes no mention of anything called GAM nor Graded Activity Management, but this ambiguous statement, "NICE recommended Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Graded Activity Management" slyly tries to make it seem like it does; they would of course try to argue that it really means "NICE recommended Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), and also our own Graded Activity Management". But these people cannot be allowed to get away with this, because they know full well how people really interpret such ambiguities.

    If they really do intend to stick faithfully to the new guideline, then why try to dress it up.

    And also there seems to be a sly hint to medics to not diagnose people with CFS. And in any case, what about those whose time criterion has not yet been met.

    ETA: Realise I misread/misunderstood the bit about those not diagnosed with CFS; was thinking it was saying this service was not being offered to them. But it is actually the complete opposite - it is being specifically offered to them. So I struck through the bit of my post regarding that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2022
  2. Simbindi

    Simbindi Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Somerset, England
    This is the information I received from the Bedford clinic when I made some inquiries about their service in August this year (before the NICE guideline pause was announced). [I have left in their grammar mistakes]

    See attached docs.

    Attached Files:

  3. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Bedfordshire also have a 'Chronic fatigue' service
    the information on the website was very problematic before and raised with the MEA see

    I don't know what the feedback was, but, given that there is now no information at all, and no mention of ME or ME/cfs doesn't inspire confidence.

    I think that calling the clinics 'Chronic fatigue clinics' is very unhelpful,to put it mildly, and wish something could be done about it.
  4. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I've just come across this one whilst looking for something else and am shocked and disappointed. It seems the public-facing page is more circumspect but when you click thru to the referral page: https://gpextranet.elft.nhs.uk/service/419/Bedfordshire-Chronic-Fatigue-Service

    Note the continued use of the term 'client' which I think should be a give-away of not being positioned to really help medically + of course the funding situation, and it not being 'we take responsibility for patient health outcomes long-term' vs we've been paid for delivery of x sessions, whatever the intention of it.

    If it has been this long and you won't update the name to treat the condition you've been paid to treat then there should be nearing a point where those who can't/won't comply are just sacked. Including those who say its OK because they don't treat those with PEM (King's response I think) being closed down and proper interventions ensuring noone gets sent through their referral pathway without big flags requiring PEM to be tested for etc.

    it seems rather clear they are just tweaking the names and have loaded up on what looks like a large number of expensive staff to shove people through intensive courses over short time periods when the illness doesn't change and shove them out the door within the year still - as it is still 12 weeks + follow-up maybe at 3-6mnths which seems utterly closed-eared one-way assuming it would be 'to help the patient with their coping/questions' rather than see err you know whether their GAM has made them worse yet.

    I'm sorry but with the guideline change and what has followed from so many people - which to me just looks churlish/childish, combined with what has seemed like boom-time for people advertising to hire new posts in BPS whilst having claimed they couldn't comply with a proper guideline with medics 'in case staff fear for job losses' and this stuff combined with the BACME survey. And the people currently so poorly in hospital

    I mean if it was in an organisation I'm familiar with this would be seen as 'not OK' (understatement). Some would use the term insubordination, but that would require the management to be on-board with delivery. The GAM thing, despite the guideline being corrected to make it so clear that nonsense game-playing would not be overlooked is outrageous and should be enough to sack places. Who'd want to be 'treated' by people with no knowledge and that attitude - I guess that's why we've got lumbered with them.

    I note they send their severe patients off to SLAM - ie Chalder, King's and the Maudsley isn't that? WHo've chosen a similar approach to changing things. Is the connection here more than 'just' referring severe patients there (through what - the Bedfordshire ICB and who made that decision?)

    And their list of tests is just BPS all over assuming you rule out the obvious with common bloods before referral.

    But is said clinic positioned for anyone clinical to look at them or anything or any symptom changes? And yet the GP I assume will feel 'they are the experts'. So what on earth are they doing advising what the tests are? If they aren't qualified? Just seems like theatre.

    EDITED to cut down
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2023
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