What ME/CFS research, funded by UK sources, is currently in process (as of end Jan 2022)?

Discussion in 'ME/CFS research news' started by Andy, Jan 28, 2022.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    This is an update to this thread, What ME/CFS research, funded by UK sources, is currently in process (as of end June 2019)?, this time looking at research in progress as at time of posting.

    I'm afraid that compared to the original thread it won't have the same care and attention paid to formatting and explanatory text, but hopefully it should still offer the essential information.

    ETA: I may come back and add the missing links to our forum threads discussing the various projects at a later stage.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2022
    mango, Jacob Richter, Hutan and 13 others like this.
  2. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Charity funded research

    Action for ME

    Source: https://www.actionforme.org.uk/research-and-campaigns/our-research-work/our-projects-and-phds/

    A University of Edinburgh PhD Studentship comparing immune cells (T cells) from people with M.E. with those from controls.

    A brain inflammation PhD Studentship supervised by Prof Neil Harrison, now based at Cardiff University.

    Our 2021 application call for a third biomedical PhD Studentship ran from early January to late February. We will announce the award for this in spring/summer. https://www.actionforme.org.uk/rese...h-work/our-projects-and-phds/phd-studentship/

    As part of our trans-Atlantic partnership with US charity Solve ME, we are funding a two-year, jointly funded, £120,000 fellowship for early-stage career researches, working with Prof Chris Ponting, University of Edinburgh; and Prof Liz Worthey, University of Alabama at Birmingham.
  3. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Invest in ME

    Source: http://www.investinme.org/ce-projoverview.shtml

    A role for a leaky gut and the intestinal microbiota in the pathophysiology in ME, Simon Carding et al, Quadram Institute

    “This project will determine if alterations in intestinal barrier function and/or microbiota exist in ME patients, and whether microbe-driven inflammatory responses can provide an explanation for the pathophysiology of ME.”


    Defining autoimmune aspects of ME/CFS, Simon Carding et al, Quadram Institute

    “The aim of this PhD project is to test the hypothesis that ME is an autoimmune disorder originating in the gut as a consequence of altered intestinal permeability (leaky gut) leading to exposure of the immune system to commensal gut microbes and their products and the generation of pathogenic (auto) antibodies cross-reactive with antigens expressed in the central nervous system (CNS).”


    Gut viruses and ME/CFS, University of East Anglia

    “This PhD project will investigate whether the underlying causes of ME are related to the presence of specific virus populations within the gut virobiota. Using high throughput DNA/RNA sequencing technology and bioinformatics tools we will determine if and how both resident gut bacteria and virus populations changes with disease progression and if a distinct virobiota signature can be identified in ME patients.”


    RESTORE-ME - Clinical Trial of FMT

    To determine the efficacy and safety of faecal microbiome transplantation as for ME/CFS: RESTORE-ME.


    The intestinal virome and viral immune responses in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) patients after faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT)

    This PhD project will investigate whether bacteriotherapy and manipulation of the gut microbiome can provide a possible treatment for ME.

  4. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    ME Association

    Source: https://meassociation.org.uk/research/research-projects/

    1. Dr Nicola Clague-Baker, University of Leicester

    The ME Association is excited to announce a new research study that will examine the feasibility of measuring various physiological data during daily activity in people with M.E. at home.

    The study is titled: “Feasibility of investigating oxygen consumption (VO2), Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, lactic acid levels and activity levels of people with ME during normal daily activities.”

    The research will be led by Dr Nicola Clague-Baker, an Associate Professor of Physiotherapy and lecturer at the University of Leicester.

    Recruitment has been delayed because of the Covid-19 pandemic, but is expected to begin by the end of this year or early in 2021. Participants will be recruited online once ethical approval has been granted.

    Dr Clague-Baker will carry out this feasibility study alongside colleagues from Physios 4 ME and with help from Dr Betsy Keller from Ithica College in New York.

    RRF Investment = £30,000


    2. Dr Karl Morten et al., Universities of Oxford and Newcastle

    Scientists from the Universities of Oxford and Newcastle are spending 12 months analysing nearly 300 blood samples from the UK ME/CFS Biobank to look for small molecular clues known as metabolites. These are left behind after chemical reactions have taken place at a cellular level.

    It is hoped that this research will identify patterns of metabolites that could help to form either a diagnostic test for ME/CFS or help to sub-group people that come under the ME/CFS umbrella…

    RRF investment = £100,000


    3. Dr Luis Nacul et al., LSHTM ME Biobank team and University College London

    This research study will further examine both immune system dysfunction in ME/CFS and defects in the way that energy is being produced at a cellular level…

    • It will investigate how abnormalities in this part of the immune system are linked with evidence that is now emerging of a disturbance in the way that energy is being produced at a cellular level in ME/CFS…

    • It will draw on the expertise not only of the CureME clinical research team but also of other experts in immunology at the LSHTM.
    This research will also involve a small pilot collaboration with Dr Christopher Armstrong’s research team in Australia – who are looking at metabolic (chemical) changes in the blood that occur during energy production…

    RRF investment = c.£50,000

  5. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    ME Research UK

    Source: https://www.meresearch.org.uk/research/current-projects/

    Current projects
  6. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Public Funding

    Medical Research Council (and others)
    Source: https://gtr.ukri.org/

    DecodeME - "A genome-wide association study of myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)"
    Funders project page: https://gtr.ukri.org/projects?ref=MC_PC_20005
    Project website: www.decodeme.org.uk
    Forum thread: https://www.s4me.info/threads/decodeme-uk-me-cfs-dna-study-underway.15604/#post-268677

    Stress reactivity in people suffering from chronic fatigue
    Funders project page: https://gtr.ukri.org/projects?ref=studentship-2281613
    Forum thread: https://www.s4me.info/threads/phd-p...ffering-from-chronic-fatigue-2019-2023.24333/

    Multi-stakeholder activity management for children with Chronic Fatigue
    Funders project page: https://gtr.ukri.org/projects?ref=studentship-2452326
    Forum thread: https://www.s4me.info/threads/phd-p...hildren-with-chronic-fatigue-2020-2024.24334/

    A Mixed Method Exploration of the Association between Autism and Central Sensitivity Syndromes
    Funders project page: https://gtr.ukri.org/projects?ref=studentship-2104238
    Forum thread: https://www.s4me.info/threads/stude...-sensitivity-syndromes-sarah-grant-kcl.10121/

    Glucocorticoid dynamics in health and disease
    Funders project page: https://gtr.ukri.org/projects?ref=MR/R010919/1
    Forum thread: https://www.s4me.info/threads/trial...disease-lightman-university-of-bristol.10120/

    Structure-based drug design against a biosecurity pathogen BB/M009122/1
    Funders project page: https://gtr.ukri.org/projects?ref=studentship-2579050
    Forum thread: https://www.s4me.info/threads/phd-p...curity-pathogen-bb-m009122-1-2021-2025.24336/

    A mixed-methods investigation of the role of illness perceptions in endometriosis
    [This project mentions CFS but it is not the subject]
    Funders project page: https://gtr.ukri.org/projects?ref=studentship-2434262
    Forum thread: https://www.s4me.info/threads/phd-p...perceptions-in-endometriosis-2020-2023.24337/

    National Institute of Health Research

    Source: https://fundingawards.nihr.ac.uk/

    Depression in paediatric chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME)
    Funders project page:https://fundingawards.nihr.ac.uk/award/DRF-2016-09-021
    Forum thread: https://www.s4me.info/threads/event...ndrome-cfs-dr-maria-loades-28-jan-2020.12984/

    Measuring Health in Children with CFS/ME: Refinement, application and evaluation of new PROM (PEACH) in routine practice.
    Funders project page: https://fundingawards.nihr.ac.uk/award/NIHR200509
    Forum thread: https://www.s4me.info/threads/in-pr...each-in-routine-practice-crawley-et-al.20930/

    Investigating the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of using FITNET to treat paediatric CFS/ME in the UK
    Funders project page: https://fundingawards.nihr.ac.uk/award/14/192/109
    Forum thread: https://www.s4me.info/threads/inves...tric-cfs-me-2018-crawley-et-al-protocol.2592/
    Jacob Richter, Hutan, Binkie4 and 9 others like this.
  7. Creekside

    Creekside Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    All those projects, and I only like the one studying brain inflammation.
    Peter Trewhitt likes this.
  8. InitialConditions

    InitialConditions Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    North-West England
    This thread is really useful, and I haven't come across it before.

    The 2019 thread is in the 'General ME/CFS news' forum. This thead is in the 'General ME/CFS discussion' forum (which is rather sparse).

    I would suggest the best location for both threads is in the 'ME/CFS research news' forum. Can both threads please be moved there?
    Done. [Thanks!]

    I am considering starting a small project to try and keep a record of funded studies and researchers. I'm not sure if it'll happen or not, but if it does then this thread will help.
    Last edited: May 4, 2022
  9. Hutan

    Hutan Moderator Staff Member

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    If you or anyone wants to do a project like that, please consider whether it might be able to be part of the forum somehow. I expect the committee would be happy to consider ideas.
    Ali, Robert 1973, cfsandmore and 9 others like this.

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