Wiped out by carbohydrates

Discussion in 'Post-Exertional malaise and fatigue' started by Hoopoe, Jan 23, 2018.

  1. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    We also have to distinguish the differences between hunger and thirst. Apparently the same part of our brain is responsible for both. Sometimes we are just dehydrated but eat instead.

    Here's a little study:
  2. Invisible Woman

    Invisible Woman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Interesting. My stomach is slow to empty (been tested) and I have noticed that ,occasionally,especially when It has been painful, I can actually feel it emptying. I just considered that to be part of gastropareisis.

    Worth a closer look to manage it better methinks.
    Woolie and Ryan31337 like this.
  3. Arnie Pye

    Arnie Pye Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Your stomach acidity may be too low.

    This article is the last of a linked series of 6 - links to the other 5 parts are given at the top of the article :


    They are long articles, but well worth the effort if you have the stamina for them. I found them very helpful. The articles don't cover all causes of low stomach acidity, but the treatment is the same whatever the cause.
    Amw66, Woolie and Invisible Woman like this.
  4. Invisible Woman

    Invisible Woman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thanks @Arnie Pye .

    I've had a quick scan through. Some of it may hold true for me, but not all. a lot of the foods they suggest to help actually cause me very severe stomach problems.

    I have a suspicion that in my case it's more likely to be something to do with the vagus nerve. Apparently, it is quite common to develop gastropareisis for those who already have a pre existing autoimmune disease.

    Like everything, I am sure there are overlaps tho'.
  5. Hell..hath..no..fury...

    Hell..hath..no..fury... Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Excluding carbs from diet helps me a lot. I currently eat a maximum of 20g of carbs a day so barely any.

    Its great not having hunger pangs like carbs gave me constantly. (Its Usually only mental hunger pangs for the carb addiction anyway)

    I lost 10lbs in weight in a couple of months from cutting out carbs so i'm back to my thin self again after being and feeling bloated for a few years.

    It was triggered by an epilepsy drug that caused rapid weight gain for the first time in my life that was completely unshiftable until keto.

    I've deffo lost the carb fog and tiredness, unfortunately only a dent in the ME exhaustion but every little helps i guess.
    MEMarge, Diwi9, Woolie and 3 others like this.
  6. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    I’m a big fan of lower carb. I’ve lost 16kg = 35lbs since changing my diet last May. I also do 16:8 eating pattern to get some of the benefits of fasting. I have reduced the amount I eat and cut out sugar and fruit juice. I have no idea how many calories I have or grammes of carb/fat/protein. I just eat less overall and no bread/pasta/pastry/rice/large potatoes. I definitely had a leptin resistance problem which is reduced now. I have at least the same amount again to lose. I expect to be eating lower carb for the rest of my life. I haven’t given up sugar or mashed potatoes completely I had some at Christmas but literally that is what it will be limited to special occasions.

    Edited to add I’ve not yet seen any benefits around energy/reduced PEM from this change I hope maybe when I’ve lost more that might happen but it is still worth doing for general health benefits
    MEMarge, Amw66, Diwi9 and 4 others like this.
  7. Ryan31337

    Ryan31337 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  8. Woolie

    Woolie Senior Member

    Nor me, @NelliePledge. I've been on a similar restriction (lost 6kgs since September), and the only benefit is that I no longer experience uncomfortable fullness and heaviness after my evening meal... I have pretty much no evening meal, actually... which I guess will fix that!
  9. Invisible Woman

    Invisible Woman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I lost a lot of weight quite slowly managing my gastro issues. I dunno exactly how much 'cause I don't own a scales. But I reckon I've lost at good 12inches from my waistline and dropped 4 or 5 dress sizes.

    Nearly everyone, including GP & practice nurse, has asked me if I feel better for it. No. I don't. I confess it is easier to get in & out of the car when it's parked in a tight space, or manoeuvre in the shower. That's it.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2018
    Trish, NelliePledge, Diwi9 and 5 others like this.
  10. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    Brilliant to drop down so many sizes. It’s a pity about the energy levels not improving but when we get those questions now we can all say that we’ve spoken to other people with ME who’ve lost a good amount of weight but no difference in energy.
  11. Invisible Woman

    Invisible Woman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Not quite gotten through all of this yet @Ryan31337. It's very interesting - I didn't realize that solids normally are processed through the stomach in about 2 hours.

    Now, I understand why they kept asking me was I sure I hadn't had a snack. My stomach still had food in it after a 6 hour fast.
    Ryan31337, Trish and Wonko like this.
  12. Ryan31337

    Ryan31337 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Everytime I hear someone saying how much worse they are after eating, a part of me shouts "go see a good GI doc for transit tests now!".

    These dysmotility issues can absolutely destroy you. For me it was/is the difference between coping with all day gentle activity (mild CFS) vs crashing repeatedly, multiple times day and night with migraine, OI and pass-out somnolence.
    Amw66 and Invisible Woman like this.

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