World Health Organization (WHO) ME as Neurological Reference (1969)

Discussion in 'Diagnostic Criteria and Naming Discussions' started by Patient4Life, Apr 13, 2019.

  1. Patient4Life

    Patient4Life Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    International Classification of Diseases. I World Health Organization. 1969. pp. 158, (vol 2, pp. 173).
    Peter Trewhitt likes this.
  2. Dx Revision Watch

    Dx Revision Watch Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The reference above is for the WHO's ICD-8.

    Retired versions of ICD can be difficult to locate. But the WHO IRIS platform has archived versions of many WHO publications which can be downloaded.

    From this page:

    you can download a PDF of the ICD-8 Tabular List (1967) and a PDF of the ICD-8 Alphabetical Index (1969). There are also files for ICD-9 Tabular List (1975) and ICD-9 Index (1978) available.

    ICD-8 Index (1969) (Volume 2):

    Page 173:

    Encephalomyelitis (myalgic, benign)
    is listed in the ICD-8 Index (1969), on Page 173, indexed to code 323 Encephalitis, myelitis, and encephalomyelitis.


    This is the entry for code 323 Encephalitis, myelitis, and encephalomyelitis

    on Page 158 of the ICD-8 Tabular List:

    ICD-8 Tabular List (Volume1):

    Page 158:


    The term, "benign myalgic encephalomyelitis" does not appear listed as such in the ICD-8 Tabular List (1967). But it is the case that for the ICD-8 Index (1969), Encephalomyelitis (myalgic, benign) is indexed to code 323.

    The WHO's unmodified ICD-9:

    PDF files for the ICD-9 Tabular and Index can be accessed here:

    ICD-9 Tabular List (1975)

    Page 217:

    Again, no specific entry for the term, "Benign myalgic encephalomyelitis" was included in the ICD-9 Tabular List. But Encephalomyelitis (myalgic, benign) is included in the ICD-9 Index, indexed to 323.9 Unspecified cause, which tallies with the information provided in the CDC document [1] on the indexing of BME in the ICD-9 Index.


    ICD-9 Index (1978)

    Page 182:


    1 In 2001, CDC published this document:

    A Summary of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Its Classification in the International Classification of Diseases
    Prepared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, Office of the Center Director, Data Policy and Standards March 2001

    For ICD-9, the CDC document states:

    "...The term "benign myalgic encephalomyelitis" appears in the alphabetic index and references code 323.9, Encephalitis of unspecified cause. The code 323.9 did not include reference to postviral syndrome. The term "postviral syndrome" was classified to code 780.7, Malaise and fatigue, in Chapter 16, Symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions."

    For ICD-10, the CDC document states:

    "WHO published ICD-10 in 1992 and included many modifications, among them relocation of some diagnoses to different chapters within the classification. WHO created a new category G93, Other disorders of brain, in Chapter VI, Diseases of the Nervous System, and created a new code G93.3, Postviral fatigue syndrome, a condition which was previously in the symptom chapter of ICD-9. WHO also moved benign myalgic encephalomyelitis to the new code G93.3. The alphabetic index contains other terms, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, that WHO considers synonymous or clinically similar..."


    Note that for ICD-11, the legacy ICD-10 class Other disorders of brain (under which class a number of unrelated terms had also been located) has been retired.

    For the ICD-11 equivalent of the Tabular List, 8E49 Postviral fatigue syndrome and its two specified Inclusion terms: Benign myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome are located directly under class: Other disorders of the nervous system in Chapter 08 Diseases of then nervous system:

    ICD-11 MMS version released for April 2019:


    ICD-11 MMS will be presented for endorsement at the 72nd World Health Assembly which will be held in Geneva, Switzerland from 20 – 28 May 2019.

    The version being presented is known as the "Version for preparing implementation" which will enable member states to evaluate the new edition, launch consultation processes, prepare translations and begin preparing their health systems for eventual transition. Endorsement won't come into effect until January 2022. After that date, member states can start using the new code sets for reporting data when their countries have adopted and implemented the new edition. They will be no mandatory adoption date and global implementation and transition to the new edition will be a patchy and prolonged process.

    For dedicated thread on developments with ICD-11:

    Updates on status of ICD-11 and changes to other classification and terminology systems
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2019
    Arvo, DigitalDrifter, Pyrrhus and 5 others like this.
  3. Patient4Life

    Patient4Life Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    I put the link to the PDF in the WayBack Machine.
    Arvo and Dx Revision Watch like this.

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