I was able to attend Wyller's two lectures at this conference and took notes. I've only read interviews, papers and debate articles from him,...
I don't know if the prize was in connection with the book, but congratulations either way! [MEDIA]
I don't know if there's any official cooperation between them. But they've given lectures at the same conferences.
I listened to a lecture by Omdal yesterday. He's taken a PhD on cognitive dysfunctions in autoimmune diseases and realised how big fatigue is as a...
I've only heard positive things about Stora Sköndal just outside Stockholm in Sweden (apart from long waiting lists). They assess, give treatments...
SVT: Sjukdomen ME i fokus - nu startas ny specialistmottagning Promising news from Sweden about an ME-clinic being underway in the region...
That was a superb letter, @Trish and one I wish many who've initiated research projects into this illness would read. Thank you!
Program for the open conference in Oslo Nov. 26 from 15.00 - 18.00 Main theme is PEM. PEM from the patient's perspective - Kristina Vedel...
Yes, it's quite a story.. She really has been through a lot.
Article about Gladys Maina from Nairobi and her very long journey to get diagnosed and at least some treatment. Standard media: People said the...
The Norwegian ME Association is launching their annual campaign for knowledge today. This year's main theme is PEM. Among other things they've...
The Norwegian ME Association - Rogaland County - has made a short seminar about ME and how to adapt teaching of children and adolescents suffering...
As blogpost: Trial By Error: The HRA's Letter to Berkeley's Chancellor The HRA was aware of the Bristol vice-chancellor’s complaints to Berkeley...
[MEDIA] On Wednesday, a senior official at the National Health Service's Health Research Authority sent a letter to the Berkeley chancellor. I...
Trial By Error Oct. 30th How Bristol Investigators Avoided Ethical Review (Reprise) Last November 12, I published a post called “How Bristol...
Good letter to the editor in a Norwegian medical newspaper by specialist in psychology Grete Lilledalen. She's also a family member to an ME...
New blog post from Jørgen Jelstad. This is an interview with him by a Snapchat group about ME called BliMEd. De Bortgjemte: Et intervju om de...
If Andreas Schröder thinks it's so important to listen to patients that he links to a patient organisation from neighbour country Norway with...
The article discussed in this thread was re-published in the latest edition of The Danish Medical Journal (Ugeskriftet). This edition also has a...
News article about the demonstration that was held this week in Finland. YLE: Sannin, 15, tapaus ei ensimmäinen: Ainakin kolme kroonista...
Separate names with a comma.