I think it's worth going back to the initial article by the MEA describing this project:...
Posts discussing the results and data availability of the PACE trial have been moved to A general thread on the PACE trial!
The journal seems to be a marketing vehicle for sports and fitness related products and companies masquerading as a scientific journal with all...
Can someone copy the rest of the twitter thread?
It is very good. Huge thanks to George Mionbiot. It's wonderful to have someone working in the media, like David Tuller also, recognising the bad...
Several of us, including me have expained several times that it's nothing to do with us imposing our beliefs on the scientific community. It's...
It was supposed to be about phenotyping. So how did Walitt get away with slipping in his hypothesis testing about effort preference? And further,...
I think the anti vaxxer parallel is actually quite insulting and the complete opposite of what is being suggested on this thread. Nobody is...
That looks excellent, @ME/CFS Skeptic. I hope you will submit it to the journal.
DecodeME is a great example of a research team building in patient involvement from the start.
The point is about promoting ethical research. And for the specific case of ME/CFS, that surely means research not being approved by ethics...
I don't understand how this can distinguish between people remembering what they did before and doing the same again, and the reality of whether...
I have decided not to fill in the repeat questionnaire. I'm sure my decision will make no difference to the outcome, as they have so many...
I would like to see openness in ethics applications and in the information given to patients for informed consent that states clearly what...
I guess that depends on how long we're prepared to wait. For over 30 years we've been subjected to bad science, clearly deliberately designed to...
It may be that, like Wessely, she has moved on to other things. ME/CFS is only one small part of her work as a pediatrician.
On that logic, clinical care for Long Covid could equally be put in the charge of specialists in dealing with loss of taste and smell, or POTS....
When my ME was mild and I was still working my PEM was, as far as I remember, much the same as now with severe ME. It is mainly triggered by...
Excellent letter. Good to see it's now open access.
New research funding announcement. See this thread: $720,000 grants to 2 La Trobe University researchers from the Mason Foundation for ME and long...
Separate names with a comma.