This story resonates with me. Years ago I finally threw out all my feather bedding to discover that I could breathe easier, and my eyes were no...
[MEDIA] Helluu :emoji_alien: Ive been getting these on and off for a year. The darker red area has been there permanently a bit longer. If i...
Hi. Not sure whether to post this under Immunological or Hypersensitivity and Intolerances. I saw an Allergist recently and mentioned that with...
Food allergies are associated with increased disease activity in multiple sclerosis...
Having read this article on Allergies, The scourge of modern living I found it fitted in with my line of thinking about ME/CFS. I hope I don’t...
On BBC Radio 4 May Contain Nuts The Food Programme Following the recent high-profile cases involving...
Just upfront, I’m not looking for medical advice, just any experience of side effects to look out for taking Prednisolone Had a strange allergic...
Probiotics are mostly useless and can actually hurt you The take-home message is that probiotics don’t always live up to their harmless...
I’m posting this poll out of curiosity but I’m also hoping for some new tips for myself in the thread. Do you have ear problems? I’ve had ear...
I was prescribed this medication in May and it was very effective for my eczema. I had it for more than 10 years and it was away in two weeks with... Original Research Article Polyallergy (multiple chemical sensitivity) is...
Saw this shared by the ME Association on Facebook... Eventually, after seven years in bed, Emma’s mum heard about an unusual Indian treatment...
For as long as I have lived at my home, around fourteen years or so, I have suffered terribly in the summer months with hayfever. This goes beyond...
Abstract Anti-IgE therapeutics interfere with the ability of IgE to bind to its receptors on effector cells. Here we report the crystal structure...
I'm not quite sure where that exact wording comes from; perhaps a quote from Ostler's Web : Doctors who saw large numbers of victims were...
Summary Background Despite progress in single food oral immunotherapy, there is little evidence concerning the safety and efficacy of treating...
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