Journal of Affective Disorders Available online 22 May 2020 In Press,...
Yandex translation • Headache, joints, muscles, and throat; poor concentration and unrefreshing sleep, the symptoms • It is extremely...
The National Clinical Audit of Anxiety and Depression (NCAAD) has published a new report following an audit of psychological therapies provided in...
Talk (no booking required, public) no abstract yet Date: 28 January 2020, 12:15 (Tuesday, 2nd week, Hilary 2020) Venue: University Department... Prevalence and Treatment of...
Examining Hope as a Transdiagnostic Mechanism of Change Across Anxiety Disorders and CBT Treatment Protocols Matthew W.Gallagher Laura J.Long...
Does anyone know if there have been any studies following the long term outcomes of people who exhibit what I would term physical signs and...
Abstract Background Long‐term physical conditions affect 10% to 12% of children and adolescents worldwide. These individuals are at greater risk...
Moderator note This thread has been split off from this thread about fatigue in MS and ME. ‘It’s the unknown’ – understanding anxiety: from the...
Presentation (PDF Available) · July 2018 with 37 Reads DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29883.52009 British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive...
Free full text: Original Investigation Psychiatry September 14, 2018...
New report: Article about it:...
Abstract Background and aims Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is challenging to live with, often accompanied by...
This is from Aug. 15th 2018 and as far as I know not shared here already. Not sure if studies on ME patients are included in the review, but...
I thought this was generally interesting, shedding some light, as it does, on how ketamine and psychedelics affect the brain structurally, and...
Researchers at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine have discovered the first example of a novel mode of neurotransmitter-based...
Key Points Question To what extent are depression and anxiety associated with autoimmune thyroiditis when estimated meta-analytically? Findings...
Elisha K. Josev; Melinda L. Jackson, Bei Bei, John Trinder, Adrienne Harvey, Cathriona Clarke, Kelli Snodgrass, MD Adam Scheinberg, MMed (Clin...
Separate names with a comma.