I’ve been reading this 2013 study by Friedberg et al. Chronic fatigue self-management in primary care: a randomized trial. This isn’t a study of...
Not read the whole thing but potentially they could be looking at some undiagnosed PwME here. Abstract OBJECTIVE: The relationship among chronic...
As retweeted by AfME [MEDIA] Chronic fatigue is categorised as mild, moderate, or severe. There may be times when symptoms get better or worse....
Paper: Traditional Chinese medicinal herbs for the treatment of idiopathic chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome Authors: Denise Adams,...
I've put this in Research Unrelated to ME/CFS for the time being as the authors seem to do lot of flip-flopping between Chronic Fatigue and...
Free full text: https://www.jmir.org/2018/8/e250/ This paper is in the following e-collection/theme issue: Games and Gamification for Health...
Oxford criteria - should papers using it be excluded This is a subject that has been raised a lot, so I thought it might be good to have a...
Abstract OBJECTIVES: Fatigue is a prevalent and debilitating symptom, preceded by an acute infectious episode in some patients. This systematic...
Split from here. While posting related papers, I'm afraid I just saw this Moss-Morris review was recently given a prize place on wikipedia's CFS...
Esther Crawley is a Professor of Child Health at the University of Bristol with a Senior Research Fellowship from the National Institute of Health...
Separate names with a comma.