Many Persian Gulf War veterans experience Gulf War Illness (GWI), a chronic condition with symptoms ranging from gastrointestinal to neurological....
Sponsor: VA Office of Research and Development Detailed Description: Insomnia is common among Veterans with Gulf War Illness (GWI). Moreover,...
British forces veterans suffering Gulf War Syndrome may have given it to their children. New medical research has revealed troops who served in...
Gulf War Illness: Unifying Hypothesis for a Continuing Health Problem Abstract: An estimated 25%–32% of...
Gulf War Illness (GWI) is a chronic debilitating disease of unknown etiology that affects the brain and has afflicted many veterans of the 1990-91...
Fatigue in Gulf War Illness is associated with tonically high activation in the executive control network Author links open overlay...
As Jeff Wheelwright began researching his book about Gulf War Syndrome, he planned to speak to suffering veterans and medical experts who were...
Abstract One third of Gulf War Illness (GWI) subjects in a recent study were found to develop transient postural tachycardia after submaximal...
Corticosterone and pyridostigmine/DEET exposure attenuate peripheral cytokine expression: supporting a dominant role for neuroinflammation in a...
This study has been ongoing a while - they want your 23andME etc. data - but it's a long-term one that needs tons of patients so it's worth...
This was in my news alert, some press coverage about Dr Klimas’ work with Gulf War Illness....
[I'm not impressed with the way the abstract for this study is written]
[MEDIA] Interesting. I see there's already some published info on this. Achieving Remission in Gulf War Illness: A Simulation-Based Approach to...
Exploring the Diagnostic Potential of Immune Biomarker Co-expression in Gulf War Illness Link to paper here * Patients with ME are control in...
Abstract: BACKGROUND:Veterans with Gulf War Illness (GWI) experience chronic symptoms that include fatigue, pain, and cognitive impairment. This...
Jim Al-khalili’s subject in his ‘The Life Scientific’ programme on BBC Radio 4 on Tuesday, February 14, was Professor Sir Simon Wessely. I...
Brief interview with Nancy Klimas, talking about her work in ME/CFS and Gulf War Illness, as well as a section from her recent talk at Solve's...
Chronic fatigue syndrome is NOT all in the mind - but caused by changes in brain chemistry, a study finds "Spinal taps before exercise showed...
Exercise – induced changes in cerebrospinal fluid miRNAs in Gulf War Illness, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and sedentary control subjects Gulf War...
New Baraniuk paper on CSF after exercise looks to be coming out Does anybody know what this is about? Brain chemistry study shows chronic...
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