Brain, Behavior, and Immunity Volume 83, January 2020, Pages 309-314 Highlights • We used pooled data to examine the dynamic of the fatigue... New findings published in the Journal of...
Review Neuroimmunology: What Role for Autoimmunity, Neuroinflammation, and Small Fiber Neuropathy in Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and...
Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a debilitating condition with unknown aetiology, unclear pathophysiology and with...
Abstract Introduction A large body of evidence has established a pattern of altered functioning in the immune system, autonomic nervous system and...
Perhaps not that interesting of a read but it is a very interesting discovery for people with ME. You may recall the metabolomics study of 2017...
Abstract The chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterized by a prolonged incapacitating fatigue, headaches, sleep disturbances, and decreases...
Increased risk of chronic fatigue syndrome in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a population-based retrospective cohort study...
Tregs play a fundamental role in immune tolerance via control of self-reactive effector T cells (Teffs). This function is dependent on maintenance...
Abstract Background Q fever fatigue syndrome (QFS) is a state of prolonged fatigue following around 20% of acute Q fever cases. It is thought that... Journal: MEDICAL JOURNAL OF MASHHAD UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES DECEMBER...
According to biology textbooks, a macrophage engulfs a bacterium, internalizes it in a toxin-filled vesicle called a phagosome, then shuttles the...
Given the recent coverage from the INF-a study, I thought this article on a similar topic was interesting: In a study of fruit flies, National...
An old study but, as shown in this thread,, one of the most...
Announcement on Facebook from NCNED A Systematic Review of Enteric Dysbiosis in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Du Preez S.,...
Autonomic dysfunction and HPV immunization: an overview. Abstract This article reviews the case series reported from several countries describing...
Review article which is provisionally accepted. Full text published soon. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the era of the...
Highlights • 29 deregulated immune gene sets were identified to distinguish patients and controls; as well as delineate patients into two...
Source: IntechOpen Paper 80714 Date: November 5, 2018 URL:...
Not sure what this is. Couldn't find the article on Sci-Hub, but thought it was interesting with a CFS-study from Finland. One of the authors is...
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