Multiple flaws pose more threats to the validity of psychotherapy studies than would be inferred when the individual flaws are considered...
I've posted this here in members only as I am not sure if it's allowed (I will report it myself to check). If it is, it might get moved, if not...
Article about Freud's profound dishonesty and the total lack of scientificity of his work. Nothing really new, but these quotes about his work on...
The elephant on the couch: side-effects of psychotherapy. Berk M, Parker G. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2009 Sep;43(9):787-94. doi:...
by Jonathan Shedler Ph.D. Some very interesting remarks about psychotherapy RCTs (many relevant to CFS trials). But I worry some people would...
Article critic of a BPS (British Psychology Society) controversial report on psychosis. There are familiar flaws: incomplete definition, wilful...
Falk Leichsenring, DSc and Christiane Steinert, PhD For a treatment to be considered the gold standard requires that substantial supporting...
"When therapy causes harm" (2008) When therapy causes harm Christian Jarrett on the ‘dark underbelly’ of psychology. Could the use of client...
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