" 06 July 2018 Two leading paediatricians in India have urged the World Health Organization (WHO) to urgently revise its manual on classification...
EpicGenetics just contacted me and left me a message about a vaccine they are offering for Fibromyalgia patients which they have had very good...
http://fortune.com/2018/06/21/tuberculosis-vaccine-reverse-juvenile-diabetes-study-shows/ Tuberculosis Vaccine Could Reverse Type 1 Diabetes,...
https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Chemotherapy-free-cancer-vaccine-moves-from-12777406.php A few excerpts from the article: "A recent...
Merged threads HPV vaccination and risk of CFS/ME: A nationwide register-based study from Norway, 2017, Feiring A Norwegian study came out this...
IgG is used to measure the response to a vaccine (eg. PPV23) to assess for potential immunodeficiency in the case of recurrent infections. IgG is...
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