Canada Millions Missing 2020

Discussion in 'Advocacy Projects and Campaigns' started by brf, May 5, 2020.

  1. brf

    brf Established Member (Voting Rights)

    A Campaign for Trying Times

    Leave No One Behind...

    is the theme of this spring’s Millions Missing Campaign for ME Health Equity in Canada — a fitting theme right now, as plans roll out across the country to gradually ease restrictions caused by the pandemic.

    Campaigning this year will certainly look very different, but the virtual campaign on Tuesday, May 12th for ME will still go ahead — as it does every year in May.

    We are still sick...we still have a valid story to tell...we still have valid issues that need addressed. Nothing has changed for ME on these critical fronts. Our story in some ways is even more relevant now than ever before!

    Here’s why...

    Read about it in the Millions Missing Canada Spring Campaign.
  2. Snowdrop

    Snowdrop Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    @brf I know it's now late and almost at the day but has #MM considered providing information packets to the media alerting them of the campaign this year. I think news is kinda slow at the moment and therefore opportunity might exist.
    ScottTriGuy, alktipping and brf like this.
  3. brf

    brf Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Thanks @Snowdrop
    We usually contact the media and post a media kit every year but the person who normally contacts the media is too ill to join in this year and we're low on volunteers to help right now.

    The kit is still on the 'To Do' list to update — so may (or may not :)) get posted yet.
    ScottTriGuy and Snowdrop like this.
  4. Snowdrop

    Snowdrop Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thanks for responding and for all your effort on this. Is it maybe possible to co-ordinate with Action CIND to see if they have anyone able bodied enough to help?

    I know they are possibly doing something themselves but maybe an opportunity to unite to get it done?

    Don't know how viable a suggestion this is -- just a thought.

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