Covid-19 vaccination experiences

Discussion in 'Epidemics (including Covid-19, not Long Covid)' started by Wits_End, Feb 21, 2021.

  1. think_that_it_might

    think_that_it_might Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Had az yesterday. Arm hurts now and bit of a headache, nothing very terrible tho. The thing I'm furious about was the experience of getting the vaccine. I went to the big out of town centre against my better judgement, as car travel makes me unwell and I was worried about queues and disorganisation. The place was perfectly organised as it happened, we were in and out in 15 mins. What shocked me was the unprofessionalism of some of the medical staff.

    When I went in the booth, the nurse didn't have his mask on. it was tucked around his chin and then he got up close to my face, making me feel very uncomfortable. He had one of those screen things on, but they're to protect him, they're useless for protecting other people. I wish i'd have spoken up and asked him just to pull his mask up. But i was thrown, as i struggle to do stuff where idk what's happening next and get confused easily, so i just let it slide and tried to get thru it as quickly as possible.

    On the way out I saw other staff with masks under their noses, also people sat maskless in the recovery area. I'm minded to not to make so much of that, as they might have had valid medical reasons, but given that the staff clearly didn't care much once everyone was behind the curtain, i can't rule out that they just took them off.

    This is really dodgy behaviour isn't it? It's not just me? I've kept out of everyone's way for a year and, the first time I have to go anywhere it's like this, and it stinks tbh. I realise that he's doubtless been vaccinated and I wasn't there long and it was probably fine. But what's the point in having rules to keep people safe if some people think they're above them? I'm going to feel very nervous about getting sick now, and tho I probably won't, I'll still feel nervous when I have to go back. I wish I'd waited for the Drs surgery now, who followed all rules when my mum went, tho it would have taken weeks to get in.
    AliceLily, Louie41, MEMarge and 16 others like this.
  2. Wits_End

    Wits_End Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    UK London
    2nd AZ jab a couple of days ago: virtually no reaction this time :)
    AliceLily, Louie41, MEMarge and 12 others like this.
  3. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    Last edited: May 3, 2021
    Louie41, JaneL, mango and 2 others like this.
  4. Colin

    Colin Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Brisbane, Australia
    C.J. has taken a poll over on H.R., with ~3,500 respondents, and has given the results here:

    Health Rising Poll Results

    << While most people are doing okay, some people are having real trouble with the vaccine. Depending on which shot is received, from 5-16% of people reported still having symptoms a month later. >>

    He's taking a further poll on reported improvements, too.
    AliceLily, Louie41, MEMarge and 8 others like this.
  5. Perrier

    Perrier Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Wyva, would you be able to share the name of this Facebook group? Thanks in advance.
    Louie41, Yessica and Wyva like this.
  6. Wyva

    Wyva Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Budapest, Hungary
    Sure! I had already shared it before but it was a long time ago. :)

    ME/CFS and the covid vaccines:

    I haven't really checked it lately, after being vaccinated myself but I think if you click on "Announcements" you can also find some links to some polls they had about the effects of the vaccines.
    AliceLily, Louie41, MEMarge and 5 others like this.
  7. TiredSam

    TiredSam Committee Member

    Had my first Pfizer jab this evening. Turned up with all my documents proudly early for my 20:30 appointment, only to find a long line of people all the way down the street with a 20:30 appointment too. I had to stand in that line for over an hour. After half an hour I sat down (it's very hard to sit down when everyone else is standing up, peer pressure and all that) on some steps, slumped against the wall with my eyes closed, past caring what anyone thought, and pondering how every single other person in the queue seemed completely unaware of how lucky they were to be able to stand for an hour. Health privilege and all that.

    Made it to the front of the queue to a lady with a clipboard who said my name wasn't on the list. Fortunately I had some magic words to offer which got me through like a shot (the name of the legal practice I'm associated with who arranged the appointment for me because I do some work for them). Finally I was in a room where some guy in denims walked in (not sure if he was a doctor or a painter and decorator they'd bunged a few quid to to help out with the vaccinations). After the jab (didn't feel a thing) he advised me not to do any sport for 24 hours. I asked if I could drink, to which he replied "Yes, but don't get completely wasted straight away". "No," I replied, "I just drink one glass of wine in the evening." "I'm jealous of you" he replied, implying that he had considerable difficulty stopping after one glass, in a matey sort of way. Oh well, I'll take my jab from anyone.

    Got home to find that my wife had made me a bowl of porridge, so all's well. Sitting here with my glass of wine feeling fine at the moment. I'm rather hoping it might cure my ME. Maybe if I think real hard ...
  8. JaneL

    JaneL Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Hampshire, UK
    I had my 2nd dose of Pfizer last Friday. The side effects from the second dose were much worse for me than the first dose (which as mentioned earlier in this thread I barely noticed any side effects from). Fortunately the worst of it didn’t last for much more than about 24-36 hours and I seemed to recover (back to my normal awful) pretty soon after that.
  9. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    A lot of reports seem to suggest that it may be a good idea for pwME to do only one vaccine dose, as the 2nd is the one with the nastiest side effects, in general and for pwME.

    I'm currently leaning there. Maybe a longer delay between the shots is less of a problem, but almost all the nasty relapses were from a 2nd dose, whichever one it is.
    Leila likes this.
  10. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    Personally I'd still take the second dose - the evidence seems to be it significantly increases immunity.

    For Astra Zeneca the second dose seems to have less side effects - that was true for me and my daughter.
    AliceLily, Andy, MEMarge and 7 others like this.
  11. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    What about the research that shows that one dose isn't enough for adequate protection?

    Cite your sources, please?
  12. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    Had my second Pfizer 4.30 yesterday. Last time I didn’t notice anything that wasn’t PEM other than feeling of having been punched in the arm. This time I have a noticeable headache but and the arm feels more sore than last time I think. But paracetamol is dealing with the headache fairly well. So nothing remarkable.

    eta headache lasted 24/36 hours
    Last edited: May 16, 2021
  13. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thats good Trish, I only know other non-ME people, but all 4 of them that i know who had AZ & a significant reaction - fever/major flu like - one 40yr old guy said it made him 'feel like shite', at any rate they all had minimum of a couple days in bed with it...they all said their 2nd dose was 'uneventful' - bit tired/headache/sore arm - very minor.

    So i'm definitely going for mine. Although tbh i wouldve been going for mine regardless of their experience, it just makes me feel a bit less daunted :)
  14. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Sources for?

    I'm aware the protection is less, but it's still pretty good. It's a balance between some protection and the risk of a significant relapse, I am not on especially solid grounds. Perfect is the enemy of good, and despite all the tropes about perfectionism, I was always big on good enough. It's just a question of whether it IS good enough.
    JemPD, Yessica, mango and 2 others like this.
  15. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    On state news this morning (CBC), an infectious disease doctor was saying that mixing vaccines could be more beneficial than administering the same vaccine. He mentioned another type of vaccine for a different illness that did just that. I didn't hear too well on what that illness was.
  16. ukxmrv

    ukxmrv Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I'm still suffering from my first AZ. The pain is getting worse in my head, moving into my ears and jaw as well. Been in my scalp, top of head and forehead. Throbbing and bolts of sharp pain. I've been prescribed migraines meds and they only knock the top off the pain temporarily. It's really getting me down as non-stop.

    Light and noise send the bolts of pain through my skull. It's different to the ME overload. Spending a lot of time in a dark room.

    Sore throat and glands going up and down. It's been difficult to swallow and eat. Lost my sense of taste and smell.

    The weakness is odd. It feels like something attacked my muscles over night. I fell over in the kitchen and had to wait for my other half to come home. That only happened once. The day after the jab my legs were numb and so strange I couldn't stand.

    The pain in my spine and bones is slowly settling down.

    My GP is not helpful. He thinks this is a "headache". My local hospital sent me home with the migraine meds and say it is up to my GP now.

    I'm note sure exactly what he can do. There are no home visits now. I asked for a referral back to the hospital to the ward that diagnosed the migraine for a reassessment but he said they would not take me.
  17. Wonko

    Wonko Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I am very sorry to hear this and hope things improve for you soon.

    Like now soon.

  18. TiredSam

    TiredSam Committee Member

    48 hours after my first Pfizer jab. No side effects. I took the day off afterwards and stayed on the sofa, felt a bit tired and groggy but that could have been anything - the excitement of the day before, allergies, the drop in temperature weatherwise etc etc. No headache or anything.
  19. Binkie4

    Binkie4 Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    I just saw the results of the Com -COV ( mix and match)
    Oxford research.

    I wrote more about it here.

    I wonder what evidence the doctor you heard @Mij was referring to. I have a vague recollection of hearing that different vaccines can improve results. Maybe the Com - COV study was just looking at side effects not efficacy.
  20. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    @ukxmrv that sounds really awful. The fact that it's getting worse suggests to me you need more investigation, not just being fobbed off with migraine meds. Perhaps you could try NHS 111 if you haven't already.

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