Covid-19 vaccination experiences

Discussion in 'Epidemics (including Covid-19, not Long Covid)' started by Wits_End, Feb 21, 2021.

  1. MeSci

    MeSci Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Cornwall, UK
    Per post 44 it was the Pfizer vaccine.
    DokaGirl and Wits_End like this.
  2. Wits_End

    Wits_End Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    UK London
    Thanks. I didn't bother looking 100+ posts back.
    DokaGirl likes this.
  3. MeSci

    MeSci Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Cornwall, UK
    You don't need to - just put the poster's name in the box marked 'Posted by Member', tick 'Search this thread only' and click 'Search', all in the search box on the top right. You get a list of that person's messages in this thread.
  4. Sisyphus

    Sisyphus Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Update: 11 days past shot #2, am still nearly a zombie. The slightest hint of activity knocks me out.

    Edit: While I think these vx are a fantastically good accomplishment, I’m wondering if I’d have been better off without it. It required 3 tries to type this - just the edit.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2021
    AliceLily, 5vforest, DokaGirl and 4 others like this.
  5. Nellie

    Nellie Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I had the second AZ last week. The day after I had the worse headache ever, it lasted about 10 hours.
    A neighbour told me that one local doc is telling people to drink lots of water to prevent the headache.
    Someone else I know was in A and E and saw many of the second jabbed coming in with headaches.
  6. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I am 3hrs post my 1st dose of AZ i feel very odd, cant put it into words, just odd.
    AliceLily, ScottTriGuy, Mij and 6 others like this.
  7. Wits_End

    Wits_End Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    UK London
    That was what I was telling people, after I realised I'd been a bit dehydrated when I had the jab.
    AliceLily, DokaGirl, MeSci and 2 others like this.
  8. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I'm now 48hrs post 1st dose AZ & i feel like crap. But massively better than i did 12hrs after -which was just dreadful. Dreadful. No different than a bad ME crash but unexpected as i'd been resting 4days prior & being driven to the centre 5mins away wouldn't normally cause the severity of symptoms i had. Fever/chills, all over pain - joint, muscle, skin, & joint stiffness was really bad too. Nausea, dizziness weakness confusion/fog etc ETA i do get all that and more in a crash, but not at the severity - I was weeping with the pain - after that amount of activity.

    Just like a crash really, all the usual culprits althouhg fortunately without the severe cognitive impairment, but the muscle pain in jab arm was excruciating on trying to move arm, such that i could barely move it at all, & i was even weaker than usually am in a crash, couldnt even tear the paper wrapping on the dissolvable paracetamol. I also was so weak couldnt hold my urine in & peed whenever i needed - which was a LOT because i also had raging thirst, as i always do when bad. Fortunately was also constipated else who knows what would have happened! lol sorry TMI!

    I am now feeling much better - no where near my normal but much better than before. Ugh that was unpleasant but totally worth it. Assuming i eventualy do return to my normal then i've no qualms about having it again - i'm certain covid be much worse and much longer lasting.

    BUT i will ensure certain things are in place before i get my next one.... eg i had it in right arm as i sleep on left - which was a good decision, BUT when all your grab rails are positioned for your right arm & you cant move it...
    And when you always need the strength from both arms to get off the toilet anyway - one on the door handle one on the grab rail (on the right) & you havent the strength to even tear paper & cant use your right arm at all.... i spent a long time sitting there shivering, completely stuck! So anyone considering which arm to get it in... think on where your grab rails are!
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2021
    AliceLily, Daisybell, Tia and 14 others like this.
  9. Sisyphus

    Sisyphus Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Am I the only one here who seems to have had a weeks long SmackDown from a WuVir vx?
    DokaGirl likes this.
  10. BurnA

    BurnA Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Just a short anecdote - a relative of mine got Covid-19 early last year and had been feeling miserable since. They got the AZ vaccine and are now feeling much better.
    That's all I know. I'll try to find out more in a months time.
    AliceLily, Sid, DokaGirl and 4 others like this.
  11. Rain

    Rain Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    8 days since my first Pfizer vaccine. I will sum up my experience when I feel better.

    But a quick question. I have been painfully bloated... Is this a side effect others have experienced?
    AliceLily, DokaGirl and MeSci like this.
  12. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    I had Pfizer I didn’t have any issues other than sore arm and normal level of PEM from an early start
    AliceLily, Leila, DokaGirl and 4 others like this.
  13. DokaGirl

    DokaGirl Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Me too. No issues. Just a bit sore on my arm.

    What did give me pause was one of the pre-questions:"Are you feeling sick today?".......
    AliceLily, merylg, Mij and 6 others like this.
  14. 5vforest

    5vforest Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    San Francisco, CA
    Lol yeah. Or when your usual symptoms overlap with the official list of COVID symptoms, you learn to be less than forthcoming...
    AliceLily, merylg, Michelle and 9 others like this.
  15. DokaGirl

    DokaGirl Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    merylg, MeSci and Trish like this.
  16. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I applied for and received (next day) a pack of the free rapid lateral flow tests, and had to tick the box of 'not having symptoms' in order to qualify.

    The reason I got them is precisely because I get 'covid-19-like' symptoms and if they worsen considerably I thought it wise to have some means of checking (even tho I know the tests aren't failproof).
    AliceLily, merylg, Amw66 and 5 others like this.
  17. ukxmrv

    ukxmrv Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I'm over a month since my AZ. The migraine drugs as taking the edge off the stabbing constant headache but it continues . Muscles feels strange and different. Plus more symptoms

    It feels as if something has attacked my muscles. Different to my ME.

    Wish there was someone investigating these longer reactions to the vaccine.
    AliceLily, Sid, Rain and 11 others like this.
  18. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    That sounds like something that it would be worth reporting to your doctor, @ukxmrv. I think the advice is to seek medical help if symptoms of vaccination, including bad headaches, persist after a week or so, especially with the rare instances of blood clots that cause bad headaches after the first week.
    AliceLily, merylg, Leila and 9 others like this.
  19. Milo

    Milo Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    One would wonder whether it elicits a placebo response, followed eventually by a crash. A follow up over time would tell us more.
  20. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    Yes last summer one of my relatives mentioned doing the covid symptom app I said I would be saying yes to a lot of them every day anyway so I still wouldn’t know if I had it or not
    AliceLily, merylg, Binkie4 and 5 others like this.

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