Covid-19 vaccination experiences

Discussion in 'Epidemics (including Covid-19, not Long Covid)' started by Wits_End, Feb 21, 2021.

  1. Dom

    Dom Established Member (Voting Rights)

    In terms of the booster. A friend with FM who had it a very long time ago and reached 6 months last week was unable to book it and GP was unable to book it or help out with it. So it would seem you can't get a booster even if you want one and are eligible. More stories about this in the guardian today.
    Binkie4 likes this.
  2. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    @Dom In my small town in the midlands uk, Boots pharmacy are doing walk in covid boosters for anyone who is eligible, have been doing for wks (so they told me when i went for my flu jab) but it's never been advertised so hardly anyone knew about it. All my carers have been to get theirs there & i'll be going along too as soon eligible. They also said all boosters are Pfizer, although i'm not sure whether that means just the ones *they are doing, or nationally

    sorry you had such a rough reaction, the flu jab has knocked me for six, like the AZ did, day 10 & still not back to my normal. I wish i hadnt had it tbh as i want my covid booster asap but i dont think itd be wise until i recovered from the flu one
    Dom, MeSci, TigerLilea and 2 others like this.
  3. Wonko

    Wonko Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I had both of my shots (AZ) at home, after my GP came round and 'confirmed' my need for this.

    I am effectively housebound, only able to go out rarely and at fairly high cost - the 'rate' around here is currently 499, so over 9 times the maximum it reached during the first UK lockdown, with a more infectious variant, and absolutely no idea if I am one of the 70-80% that the shots I have had would protect.

    I have absolutely no idea as to what is happening with the booster and google is not helpful - there appear to be absolutely no government or NHS pages which even mention booster jabs at home.

    I'm not 'due' until November so there is time, but given the 'push' to get everyone a booster you'd think someone would have thought about those of us who are housebound.
    Jan, Binkie4, Wits_End and 2 others like this.
  4. Tara Green

    Tara Green Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Dr John Campbell is staunchly pro vax. He had an athlete on his show, Kyle, who had a bad vaccine reaction, I think because this Dr has taken an interest in the lack of aspiration. Kyle had a metal taste in his mouth 20-30 secs after the vax and he says this is a tell tale sign.

    The interesting bit, is when Kyle presented to the emergency room, he was diagnosed as being psychotic. I like how this Dr understands that this is medical negligence but it horrifies me that this is still happening. Fortunately for him, he was swiftly vindicated. I think there is lots of interesting discussion here in this interview.

    Kyle's vaccine experience - YouTube
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2021
    ukxmrv, Binkie4, TigerLilea and 2 others like this.
  5. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    I haven't heard yet either about what is happening to housebound people who had their first 2 AZ vaccines at home. We're due to have our boosters some time in November, and I'm assuming people are being told when they can sign up once their 6 months since the second dose is up.
    When the district nurse came to do my flu jab last week, she didn't know what was happening with covid vaccines. Just said that's a different team dealing with that. I'm guessing the boosters for homebound will have to be AZ again because of problems transporting the RNA vaccines once they are thawed.

    I intend to wait until our 6 months is up, then email the GP surgery if we haven't heard anything.
    Binkie4, TigerLilea, Simbindi and 2 others like this.
  6. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Yes same for me but i am in the position of havng a carer to take me the 3 mins in the car to centre of town & with green special acces badge can park right outside boots. I go in with my N95 mask AND face shield & strip down in the hallway (Edit:hallway of my home! lol) afterwards, putting all clothes/bag etc in cardboard box with a lid to be quarantined for a few days. Then wash hands & arm etc, before carer gets my food & gets me tucked up in bed.

    So for me it feels safer to go out, than have people with questionable hygiene practices coming to jab me in my home, sitting on & touching things, ugh.
    And the way they think its ok not to give you an actual appointment time you are just supposed to wait up the entire day, for them to arrive at their convenience, which i just cant do.

    But thats really hard for you Wonko as i know you'd have to walk/go on bus etc. i hope they get it organised, not to be political, but this booster rollout seems to border on incompetence tbh.
    Ariel, Binkie4, TigerLilea and 3 others like this.
  7. Wonko

    Wonko Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Waiting in the entire day would be a 'luxury' compared with 'likely' scenarios - it's not as if I go out, but I don't get any notice at all, beyond possibly 5 minutes (text - happened once, the first time they just turned up out of the blue, and were lucky that I was expecting a delivery so the door buzzer was on) - so it could be any day, from now (my second jab was over a month early), to January (it seems that the booster jabs are running late according to the media) - if it happens at all.

    I really, really, dislike unexpected visitors, especially ones that come in.
    Ariel, Chezboo, Binkie4 and 11 others like this.
  8. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    i meant waiting up the whole day - meaning i spend most of it in bed. If well rested i can schedule to be downstairs on the settee between say 2&5pm, but being down there all day is impossible. Its disgraceful that they think it's ok to not even give you a date. Turning up announced & unplanned is appalling, it would be for a well person, but for somebody who is sick enough to need a home visit, it is totally inappropriate. Ableist contempt for the sick, from HCP, as is pretty much usual. They do everything in the ways that are most convenient to them, because their needs are at the top of the list.

    oh me too, its just out of the question since i had ME, & i'm reasonably neuro typical, what it must be like for the autistic, & also for the mentally ill, i just cannot imagine
    Ariel, Binkie4, TigerLilea and 3 others like this.
  9. Wits_End

    Wits_End Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    UK London
    Pretty sure a GP I was talking to recently said she'd been visiting care homes with Pfizer because they've found some way of making it transportable for small doses ...
    Simbindi, Trish and Binkie4 like this.
  10. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I was given 2 Pfizer jabs at home.
  11. Snow Leopard

    Snow Leopard Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It can be stored in a normal freezer for several weeks. The very low temperatures was for protection against damage during long-distance travel.
    Wits_End, Simbindi, Binkie4 and 3 others like this.
  12. Binkie4

    Binkie4 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Fairly briefly. I have posted my responses to AZ 1 and 2 earlier on this thread. Despite severe responses especially to 1, I made few antibodies which really bothered me. I cancelled a family holiday and was glad when J Van Tam announced an additional v for the immunocompromised.

    I was referred by my GP to St. George's for a third primary vaccine, the referral letter saying I had had "almost anaphylaxis " with AZ. I had a specified appointment and had to tick whether I had come for a "third" vaccine or a " booster" which gave me confidence since nowhere else seemed to know about v3. The v was Pfizer.

    Just briefly the day did not go well and I reacted not with anaphylaxis but severe nausea, vertigo , vomiting and was admitted to A and E for several hours. I recovered slowly but the joint pain is still severe.

    So ill after both vaccines in totally different ways apart from joint pain with both ( no anaphylaxis with Pf) and still don't know if I made antibodies.
    What is in these covid vaccines that is doing this? Or in me?

    Mr B was called for his booster, Pf, at the church hall at the end of the road. No symptoms. He had flu jab. No symptoms.

    I am most concerned that no one is talking about those who have these reactions. There is little follow up by the medical services.

    I am now frightened of the flu v which I have never missed and had wherever convenient, at Boots or GPs with no reaction ever, but I missed my call last week. What to do?

    Just a reminder- the Zoe study are doing a presentation on the vaccines and the immunocompromised this Thursday 28th at 3pm. I'm hoping it might clarify some things.

    edit: I shortened this post on reflection
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2021
    Ariel, ukxmrv, Sean and 10 others like this.
  13. Wits_End

    Wits_End Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    UK London
    I'm sorry you've had all this to deal with, Binkie4. Don't forget to report any adverse reactions to the vaccines on the yellow card or whatever format it is in your country, everyone.
    Ariel, Tara Green, MeSci and 7 others like this.
  14. Dom

    Dom Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Well 2.5 weeks out from the flu jab and while my symptoms seem to be very under control I've lost a lot of stamina and strength physically and my envelope is much much lower than it was before. But I am not as bad as many though which is a blessing.

    Even so I'd still love to understand why this happens, what could the vaccines possibly be doing to throw our bodies for a loop? It seems to take me either 4 weeks or 8 weeks to make a decent energy envelope recovery, to be honest it borders on mild PVFS - if that was such a thing with ME. I just wish we knew more about how to counter these attacks, I already take a lot of supps to counter my ME symptoms and thankfully they work on almost all symptoms.

    But now instead of having a lot of energy, I am falling asleep after 5pm, which I appreciate is mild, but still frustrating when I was heading towards healthy before the flu jab. Just wish we knew more about the disease and why certain events do this to us :(
    Binkie4, TigerLilea, Skycloud and 4 others like this.
  15. Binkie4

    Binkie4 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thank you @Wits End. I did start to complete the yellow card but it was complicated and I'm not at my best so it was left.
    I hope to return to it.

    Dr John Campbell who is very pro v in his interview with Kyle

    commented that he thought the card was difficult to complete and needed to be made easier.

    Kyle made an interesting point. He described the covid epidemic as akin to a war with the vaccine as one of the weapons but it is harming a number of people. He said that in battle you don't leave your comrades behind when injured but those who react badly to the vaccine are being abandoned, and there is a great reluctance to acknowledge it.
    Mariaba, ukxmrv, Sean and 6 others like this.
  16. Dom

    Dom Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Great thread this is. Had been wondering how people were getting on.

    Out of interest is anyone high as a kite for about 7 days after they get their covid vaccine? I remained pretty hyper active for the first 7 to 10 days and then both times crashed with minimal exertion (I just don't even go there anymore after getting a vaccine) - after the crash though I then remained in that state for 2 to 3 months each time. I also seem to get a bladder infection each time I get one, reduced immune function (worsening of symptoms like mouth ulcers and bladder issues I attribute to worsened immune function) - my white blood cell counts look fairly terrible post vaccine, neutrophils especially very low below 1.5.

    I get the feeling this hyper active reaction instead of a very slow...normal viral reaction might be partly what's causing me to crash and then have the crash go on for months.

    Would be interested to hear other peoples experiences.
    Binkie4 likes this.
  17. ukxmrv

    ukxmrv Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thank you for sharing this. I'm interested in how people are reacting to different vaccines after an adverse reaction to others.

    I'm still doing badly over 7 months since AZ1. My worst lingering systems are now

    A new type of muscle weakness. Particularly in my legs. It feels like a disconnect between my limbs and the order for movement. They feel heavy and unresponsive
    Severe head pain with nausea, vomiting, light intolerance. This makes it hard to use a computer, to sit in a room with lights on or watch TV or listen to the radio
    A strange vision problem. Cannot track movement very well and my eyes feel sore. At times movement is causing a brain response problem which I cannot even describe. This is my best attempt. I saw a wave of water in ripples and immediate my brain stopped and I became stuck. Could not move or speak.
    Much lower level from when PEM strikes
    Stomach and bladder problems

    There were many more symptoms (which have calmed down) and this is what I am left with

    I've seen a Neurologist who has prescribed some migraine drugs and luckily does accept that this is vaccine related. However, no other help from that area forthcoming and I was discharged,

    I have filled in yellow cards and emailed the agency several time. Emailed AZ direct who replied and asked for permission to contact my GP. No contact since then. Approached ME charities and other people I was hoping would help but little interest.
    Ariel, Tara Green, 5vforest and 11 others like this.
  18. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    I felt very sleepy after jab #2. It was a very nice sleepy feeling.
    Binkie4, MeSci and Dom like this.
  19. Dom

    Dom Established Member (Voting Rights)

    True I was sleepy for about 6 to 8 hours, then once I woke up the next day the hyper activity began. I wouldn't say I felt great, more like I felt wired really. That was jab 2.

    Jab 1 however, I had really bad viral symptoms for about 8 hours, literally the works. God only knows what it was from, can't have been covid I assume? At any rate it was horrible. I had AZ so could just have been the chimpanzee virus they gave us ?
    Binkie4, MeSci and Mij like this.
  20. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    it's the immune response Dom see here

    Vaccine side effects: My experience of them and what they mean - BBC News

    You're fortunate those symptoms only lasted 8hrs, mine lasted over a wk. although the high fever did go down after 3 days. ETA everyone i know offline (so at least 6 people, had rough reactions to 1st AZ, but only lasting 24-48hrs.

    @ukxmrv i so sorry to hear what an horrific time you had/still having :(
    Ariel, Binkie4, Dom and 4 others like this.

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