'Distressing' unexplained symptoms that affect one in four people, NHS warns

Discussion in 'Psychosomatic news - ME/CFS and Long Covid' started by Sly Saint, Jan 11, 2025 at 1:23 PM.

  1. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    'Distressing' unexplained symptoms that affect one in four people, NHS warns
    Maat, Hutan, Peter Trewhitt and 3 others like this.
  2. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    Scraping the floor underneath the barrel.
    Starlight, Michelle, Sean and 14 others like this.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    That looks like a nice one for today's Contradiction Corner.
    rvallee, MeSci, alktipping and 9 others like this.
  4. bicentennial

    bicentennial Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    What a give-away. Lets get real physical. Now I can clearly see the loop in the panacea theory. One or some real physical symptoms CAN cause depression and anxiety. So any physical symptom in any physical condition can warrant rehab modification of thought and behaviour. Send us all yr sick and disabled, yr weak, yr wounded and yr poor. Don't do the physical

    The NHS is out being very frank and bolshy, evidenced by "Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) – also known as ME". I am glad to see my suspicion substantiated, in view of the murky creep observed for some months now

    “The fact that doctors are unable to find a condition causing these symptoms isn't unusual in medicine, and it doesn't mean that nothing can be done to help you.”

    HA HA, we are back to Do No Tests Send Them To Us Instead. That worn, torn, patched and tattered garb. Still garbling. See what happens when the top notch of the NHS gets to play Simon Says. Teeny bit out of date

    The record got past "An Anomalous National Guideline NG 206 for the ME / CFS Delivery Plan (UK)". The record got stuck on No Need To Investigate (for a diagnosis by exclusion of similar conditions). Just Send Them to Us There Are Things We Do To Help You (Instead)

    Time for Mr Streeting and Mr Gwynne to have a little word with the top-notch who muddled and screwed up their Delivery Plans Big-Time, by Very Bad Uncontrollable Compulsive-Obsessive-Addictive Habit. Who is in charge of the NHS Talking Therapy rollout ? Mr Streeting. Did he not say so himself ? Who can exempt the NHS Delivery Plan for ME / CFS so ? Mr Streeting. The Man. Himself

    Furthermore the NHS sub-sub-contracted IAPT program, now TT program, did give us all to understand that MUS means an exxagerated sensation that is a normal bodily sensation or a minor pathology of no concern or a normal stress response so thats that. It is not ME / CFS. Is it even "CFS also known as ME" to the NHS-referred IBS Network too ? They sing from the same hymn sheet all this time. Yes victimised, preacher man, by your cronies, kith and clan
    Starlight, MeSci, Lou B Lou and 5 others like this.
  5. bicentennial

    bicentennial Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Mmmm so the nervous system is not physical and its not behaving its disorderly its plasticky and must melt-down to be re-entrained, we know this because evidential rehab worked on melted stroke victims too, so melt then modify

    Baby driver is in the seat needs carriage everywhere the grownups can go, the whole world is an extension of baby-driver's arms, legs, hands and feet, for evermore, thats what the world is for and this includes every body's nervous system, naturally, mind over matter is evidentially rehabilitative in all cases efficacious, the saviour of, the human race, just sign the next contract and be done
    MeSci, alktipping and Peter Trewhitt like this.
  6. Maat

    Maat Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    England, UK

    'thought' - also idea, concept, belief, notion

    What is none of those things, is the fact that for the last 14 years patients with formerly known as CFS/ME now known as ME/CFS have been banned from blood donation. The other diagnoses in those lists provided in the article aren't. I fact checked just now... Eligibility - Search - NHS Give Blood In fact, the blood donation service doesn't even recognize FND. Hardly condusive to fully informed consent for anything now is it?

    Interesting way of writing it.

    Did the NHS forget about the two "occupational aspects of the management of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: evidence-based guidance for:

    • healthcare professionals
    • employers"
    NHSPlus published in May 2008?
    MeSci, alktipping, Wonko and 4 others like this.
  7. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It’s an interesting point when you think of bps trying to now re diagnose and in future diagnose those who would be me/cfs, normally the more severe, with ‘other terms’ like FND or whatnot if those aren’t on the exclusion list

    I have always found the blood donation one the insightful bit at the end of it. I see right thru most of the people who claim to believe things along the lines of I could try harder (even those who saw I had a harder tougher job situation where I worked harder than them - whilst had me and they didn’t because after all when you get sick you get less choice and are less able to stand up for yourself because you can’t lose your job and they know you can’t commute elsewhere) …

    watch them if they think they might catch it. And blood donation is one of those no one is kidding anyone. And deep down most people know that at least a certain proportion with me are devastatingly ill , so it’s not a little risk or something you just live with or get past. When it becomes a risk to them.

    it’s like people trying to rewrite history with the Uk covid lockdown: I was already shielding a week before, absolutely gotten my head round being shut in gif three months whilst it was let rip and I shielded.

    It was definitely the well people on the other side who stomped their feet as to insisting on lockdown, not the ill people :laugh: no matter how much they might have tried to shape shift claiming it was ‘fir us’ it was them all elbowing each other out of the way to not have to be the few of the healthy ones being the skeleton staff

    they all called me during that week so I know! Then months on when they want to party they all pretended it was the disabled locking them in, when we didn’t say a word either way.

    I found it doubly hypocritical because despite already having me/cfs I’d been the one in the workplace who had done whatever shift his no one else out their hand up or who’d been sent round big exhibitions or schools during swine flu. So I knew full well who the ones were who ducked for the sidelines and let others do it and the lies they told to pretend that wasn’t what they were doing… busy that night were they, had some other consideration etc.

    So yeah when it’s peoples own health on the line and they might catch it then it shows up truly as just a difference between what’s good for goose rather than gander.

    on a side note though it’s a very important concern given we’ve just had the blood scandal inquiry that you’d have thought would mean they’d be alive to making sure name changes to an illness didn’t just mean previous safety precautions git forgotten
    Peter Trewhitt, alktipping and Wonko like this.
  8. bicentennial

    bicentennial Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    here come the parrots: " CFS - also known as ME "

    Its been propagated for some time but now its being standardised from the top IF the new Government holds to the agreement

    " CFS " did lift and hijack the statistics and profile reserved for ME / CFS (see below)

    " CFS " also claims that IBS includes all the systemic impacts too

    Statistics, profiling, and claims, all approved and endorsed by an NHS which did not dare say so itself, until now.

    Until now it just signposted to another parrot since Feb 2021, see below:

    This NHS page (linked and cited below) was referring IBS cases to The IBS Network (aka The Gut Trust aka Gut Reaction) since:

    Page last reviewed: 24 February 2021
    Next review due: 24 February 2024
    Snapshots taken today 11.1.25

    As far as I can tell The Network has long laid claim to whatever proportion of the 250,000 ME / CFS cases have gut problems (including the upper tract). So what proportion is that ? Who can estimate the proportion of gut problems amongst the ME / CFS community ? Because the parrots do insist its all IBS and all that entails

    To estimate a proportion, could someone poll the community here for " yes or no " in case of any diagnosed or undiagnosed gut problems with ME / CFS that could be claimed as an IBS, or are an IBS, or may be an IBS?

    The Network also stakes claim to all the devastating systemic impact of its Members' devastating gut problems

    Well that explains the IBS creep I found throughout the dietician network. Its hard assiduous work surviving reality when you can help a tiny niche market but want a big expansion into other markets you can't help, see how such things are organised, one could start a political party with such devotion and then run the country. It happens

    You can stop cackling out loud now

    No no no no grizzlies ... see next post
  9. alktipping

    alktipping Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Bobbler talking about ducking and diving my GP took early retirement as soon as covid showed up .I do not blame him since he was diabetic with weight problems when visiting him previously i worried more about his health than mine .The fact he had at least two M E patients on his lists was probably the warning bell for him to take early retirement .
  10. bicentennial

    bicentennial Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Then he was so lucky to have met you
  11. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member

    NICE 2021, and everything else, may well have not happened for all the difference it is making in the NHS.

    They just don't care, and are clearly going to hand us straight back to the psychosomatic club. It could not be more obvious. :grumpy:
  12. bicentennial

    bicentennial Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It looks very much like these niche services are not so popular as they claim to be, and never will be. But also, whatever the national ambitions being courted by some elitist mavericks, the mainstream isnt happy with the national rollout of talking therapy and rehab programs, either. How could it be with that kind of drop-out rate, however the books are doctored, its just an inflated claim to be helping many more than ever found it helpful. This is well-known by the many more encountered and their communities.

    For 4 years the conversion clinics ran their scaled-up nationally networked remotely delivered covid rehabs and got a bad reputation in a jiffy with a much bigger audience than we could muster or be. They scaled up their training programs and job opportunities and clunky clinics but they still have only the one stale repertoire and can never adapt nor evolve. Its not ingenuity its cunning ande its stepped out into the light, blinking, entranced by the scale of its ambition, its pissed off senior people behind the scenes and it gotitself a very public face

    On such a scaled up industrial scale there are not that many happy bunnies working the road to perdition. We can't all be sonic-teutonic followers of fashion waltzing around the conversion clinics. Its one thing to hive off in ME / CFS Clinics, its another to present to the nation
  13. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Pretty terrifying isn’t it
    alktipping, MeSci, Wonko and 2 others like this.
  14. bicentennial

    bicentennial Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The history I leant from the Long Covid SOS thread, has a timeline, starting last year in April with the encouraging top-down NHS directive to run a pilot with the British Society of Physiotherapy and Rehab Medicine (BSPRM) under contract, I suppose to see how many out-of work patients it could screen and get up and running again

    So in October an NHS grant got them a subcontracted "BSPRM sub-group" launched: so their more interested Members are now operating this sub-contract as the Clinicians Post Covid Society with their October contract to produce the Royal College of GPs’ new Long Covid Lite leaflet by December in time for the national rollout claiming to get the NHS back to work for starters

    Then all rehabbed success can get back to work and then I guess they expect DWP to step in with sanctions as piloted by the Lightning process up north, for a spot more enforcement

    Well look what happened to the thickened executive of the Royal College of Physicians. They fell behind the times so the Members had a regime change pronto before the deaths mounted higher

    This disastrous national rollout simply cannot work. Also its not just us being handed over, its all the unemployed, and all the chronically sick and disabled under the extant Act (The Chronically Sick and Disabled Act - UK). I expect the GPs might want their regime changed too

    I am fairly sure the reason for dropping the medical term : “chronic” : was to try and forget the Act

    Long Term Conditions is gobbledygook. This is a populace mind you that turned out peacefully to out-number a mob that was trying to call out the Army and set fires
  15. bicentennial

    bicentennial Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I think the Advertising Standards authority might take a look at advertisements by The Network seeking Members and Pathways posing the false claim that CFS is ME just to obtain money's by deception so its a fraudulent advertisement falsifed to claim also the profile, and statistics, and systemic devastation of M.E / CFS just to to pad out their shrinking Membership. The intent is plain

    There are many more such hawking false claims advertising charities, businessess and clinics, its gone further than the ASA would allow
    Peter Trewhitt and Sean like this.
  16. bicentennial

    bicentennial Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I should know. I was the h'ors doeuvre. Didn't go down well. Spat out and survived
  17. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Original article in the Mirror published 9th July 2024. It looks like the journalist constructed their 'news' article solely from the NHS page on MUS.
    alktipping, Trish and Peter Trewhitt like this.
  18. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The nervous system, famously an etherical phantasmagoric spirituocorporalist essence entirely independent from the physical body.
  19. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Everything I have seen so far over the years supports the fact that health care systems and the medical profession never admit to a mistake. Straight up never. They may say words to that effect but never actually act on their meaning. Everything is covered up, mostly in secret behind closed doors, and if things do get out it's treated as a PR issue, then covered up.

    They do welcome an actual good solution to replace that mistake if one can be produced, in the process never accepting the premise that they got anything wrong and that people shouldn't dwell on the past and move on, but they never agree to do the work that can accomplish that because doing so would be a soft admission that they don't have things entirely under control.

    Exactly like bad politicians. Because even middling politicians are capable of that. But we can't even have that standard.

    I have never seen any evidence otherwise. It's a system built on not learning from mistakes because it can't admit to them.
    alktipping and Peter Trewhitt like this.
  20. bicentennial

    bicentennial Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The nervous system with a dose of mission creep, famously taking the physical body unto itself into its very own etherical phantasmagoric spirituocorporalist essence, keeping body and soul together, entirely independent from the physical world which is misbehaving again as are all the people
    alktipping and tornandfrayed like this.

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