Ex-Reporter Prevails In ERISA Suit Against Prudential

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by Cheshire, Jun 2, 2018.

  1. Diwi9

    Diwi9 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    @B_V - Your story is an amazing one. My husband and I are both lawyers and we constantly see how insurance companies shirk responsibility and blame patients. Your case and your sharing this information will help others. Kudos to you and your team at Barbara Comerford & Associates. If feels so good to know our medical situation is credible in the legal venue.
  2. Alvin

    Alvin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Congratulations, you kicked their butts :thumbup:

    I also had legal assistance but i did not have to take on such a behemoth as you did, and you had some awesome evidence (i only got through a few pages of the judgement so far).

    Do be vigilant, can they follow you around and use something you do such as leave the house to cancel your benefits? Around here that does happen regularly :(

    It might be nice if your story ends up in a news article that goes viral, they deserve to be outed for their practices.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2018
  3. Sisyphus

    Sisyphus Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Tell your friend he’s doing God’s work. I’m pro business, but Erisa promotes what amounts to false insurance,
    Dolphin, ahimsa and adambeyoncelowe like this.
  4. Sisyphus

    Sisyphus Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    @Diwi9. With ERISA, the insurance company does not need to blame anyone. They can simply not pay, and wait out the claimant. There’s no penalty forvmalfeasance, even if it is obvious that the claimant is fully disabled, the maximum penalty is that the insurance company pays the back benefits.

    If a third of the claimants die or run out of legal muscle, the insurance company has reduced its claims by a third but they have still collected the premiums for those policies. If they win a third by default, and a third a trial…

    Most big operations have small margins over time, a few % average over time. If you could cut your cost of goods sold by 2/3 by the simple expedient of not delivering the goods 2/3 of the time after being paid in advance, you’d have quite a nice racket going.

    LTD insurance isn’t like most products, only a tiny fraction of the customers actually use the product, and you don’t want to make any repeat deliveries. So you could effectively ship a box full of air and dare the customer to pry the goods loose, if you could get away with that. Erisa lets them get away with it.
  5. Guest 102

    Guest 102 Guest

    Many congratulations, Brian, thrilled for you. Appalling you had to go through this in first place but I hope your winning your case gives hope to others.
    Dolphin, Joh, B_V and 7 others like this.
  6. Anna

    Anna Established Member

    Congratulations Brian @B_V this is fantastic news. I am so happy for you. This must have been so stressful and energy consuming, I hope now it's over you can get some rest and concentrate your limited energy on things you want to, not fighting a legal battle you should never of had to fight. Shame on these insurance companies, there needs to be some accountability for there actions and the harm they cause.

    I really hope your case does set a precedent and changes thing for others in a similar situation.
    Dolphin, Joh, B_V and 7 others like this.
  7. Cheshire

    Cheshire Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Joh, Inara, Alvin and 6 others like this.
  8. B_V

    B_V Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Addendum: Upthread I said I was disappointed the judge did not award lawyer's fees (make Prudential pay my lawyers) but I misunderstood the process. We are asking the judge to award the lawyer's fees. Turns out it's a separate process. Federal lawsuits are long and complicated.
  9. Esther12

    Esther12 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thanks for letting us know. Best wishes with it.
  10. Invisible Woman

    Invisible Woman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Fingers crossed you'll get those fees too @B_V. Good luck!
  11. It's M.E. Linda

    It's M.E. Linda Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I would agree that you should be entitled to your legal fees being paid (but I’m in the UK and have no idea what we would get here either!).

    Good luck, I hope they come through.

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