Feedback Wanted: “Task” oriented Advocacy Website

Discussion in 'Advocacy Projects and Campaigns' started by MErmaid, Feb 15, 2018.

  1. MErmaid

    MErmaid Guest

    Under the Sea
    For those of you who are interesting in seeing the ME landscape change by supporting advocacy, I would like to ask for your feedback.

    I am interested in creating a new global (borderless) advocacy website where tasks could be posted, tracked, and marked as complete. The idea behind creating a new site is to allow PwME, caregivers, and the general public an opportunity to participate. As an example, I would like to see tasks posted that can be specified by such characteristics as due date, estimated time to complete, skills required (speaking, typing, recording, proof-reading), tasks that can be completed from bed vs outside of the home, etc.

    As a global ME community, I feel we have good ideas for advocacy but often lack the time, skills, and energy to complete them. Others who have the time, skills, and focus may volunteer to own a task.

    Also, as a bonus, the new website may increase ME Awareness and demonstrate that we are organized and dedicated to making change.

    Edited to Add:
    Here are some examples of a few ideas that could generate a new task:
    - Need help with writing a letter to my health insurance company who actively promotes GET/CBT
    - Need someone to meet with a government official on my behalf
    - Need help with making signs for an upcoming ME protest/rally
    - Need help with writing a ME petition
    - Need a ride to a ME protest/rally
    - Need help organizing a screening of Unrest

    The concept of “borderless” means, that a person in one country can post a new task, while a person from another country may fufill the task. We are not bound by geographic location nor organization. We are one global community!

    Thank you in advance for your ideas :)

    Last edited: Feb 16, 2018
  2. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    I think there are already many websites Facebook groups and forums.

    Would suggest working with #MEAction
  3. MErmaid

    MErmaid Guest

    Under the Sea
    Hi @NelliePledge

    Thanks for your feedback. Regarding Facebook, from my understanding not everyone is comfortable using it due to a lack of anonymity. I would like the new website to have anonymous logon capability, similar to the concept we have here on S4ME.

    I want to pitch the idea to #MEAction in the near future. For now, I need to gather your ideas so I can better understand the requirements. Then, I can research different software packages to find a good fit. I may also need to estimate developer costs. Once I have all my ducks lined up in a row, then I will be in a more favorable position to communicate with #MEAction.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2018

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