General news about Fabricated and Induced Illness syndrome (FFI)

Discussion in 'Other psychosomatic news and research' started by JohnTheJack, May 5, 2019.

  1. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    What I don’t fully get is how something can be put on a list so categorically without good science snd case studies to differentiate

    guven how many and how much the process costs the idea that funding more biomed physicians and support for ME/CFS so you don’t have the ‘just in case’ or ‘maybe it is’ because someone doesn’t feel qualified to rule out a suggestion and has been told of awful consequences (gif themselves too) if the get it wrong one way only as the only way to do it?
  2. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Merged thread

    ‘It’s destroyed us’: Parents of children with long Covid accused of making it up

    ‘It’s destroyed us’: Parents of children with long Covid accused of making it up (
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2024
    MEMarge, EzzieD, bobbler and 4 others like this.
  3. SNT Gatchaman

    SNT Gatchaman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    For crying out loud.
    rvallee, MEMarge, EzzieD and 7 others like this.
  4. Ash

    Ash Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I think we can take this as a prime example of how the British medical establishment views disabled parents and their disabled children. It’s not a pretty picture is it?
    rvallee, MEMarge, EzzieD and 5 others like this.
  5. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member

    Savages. :mad:
    rvallee, MEMarge, EzzieD and 4 others like this.
  6. SNT Gatchaman

    SNT Gatchaman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    Wider even than that awful context. It's how any parent and any child is viewed: as an unreliable witness and reporter of their own experiences. All countermanded by the unevidenced ideas of professionals who reckon they know what's going on.

    Inevitably longitudinal studies are going to show the severe damage done to a generation of children. Eg just on the cardiovascular effects, let alone neurodevelopmental/accelerated neurodegenerative: Post-Acute Cardiovascular Outcomes of COVID-19 in Children and Adolescents: An EHR Cohort Study from the RECOVER Project (2024, Preprint: MedRxiv) —

    rvallee, MEMarge, EzzieD and 5 others like this.
  7. Ash

    Ash Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I’d say more classic civilised learned gentlemen of letters this. You’ve got to watch them world famous for cruel and unusual punishments.
    MEMarge, EzzieD, bobbler and 3 others like this.
  8. Ash

    Ash Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Yeah it’s beyond awful. It’s so bad I can’t capture it in words. When that researcher (?) said Covid was a an existential threat to humanity equal to climate change, I had to think on that one for a bit but I think he has a terrifying chance of being correct. Because as quickly as climate change is destroying us it maybe that Covid brain damage will make us incapable of addressing climate change or keeping ourselves alive. In any case it’s not gonna help us thrive to keep trying to wipe ourselves out like this is it?

    A part of me thinks well this is just the logical end to capitalism, just a run away train. But another part of me wonders what the percentage of very rich people with bunkers in ANZ are in this particular regard trying to wipe us all out as their solution to climate change. Just them and ten of the most awful people in the world left to have at it with all the carbon. :unsure:

    On your point about all parents and children I’d push back a little. Only the sick ones who don’t recover and become disabled are targeted. It’s a punishment upon the parents for having a disabled child and a punishment upon the child for being disabled.

    I know that doctors are giving out FFI like candy treats for themselves and even a one off, or a first visit to hospital with sepsis or something is a risk, but it’s only a risk of being labelled ‘mentally ill’ and malicious that’s the danger.
    Because as we can see they are fine with the malicious part so long as it is them ever so sanely doing it, not some mad mother.

    The mother who was a wheelchair user with a non contested disease, gets framed as trying to make her daughter presumed non disabled, into a wheelchair user. Whereas the other mothers with only FFI as their presumed disability are still disabled and seen to be seeking to disable their children and that that’s the reason the children end up disabled or believing themselves to be. It’s a disabled people are evil trope. But the doctors aren’t offering to help the children recover from their ordeal at the hands of their mothers by asking them how they feel and what they need they are just like off you go and stop crying for pain killers come back when you’re not sick anymore.

    What if the daughter actually did want to be disabled? This is vanishingly unlikely because no doubt she would see plenty of discrimination and prejudice against her mother on account of her disability status, and not be too keen to have to deal with that herself. But just imagine if she did and she wanted it to be disability status due to a mobility impairment such that she needed a wheelchair. She could just say her legs hurt or some other isolated part of her body beg borrow or steal a wheelchair and live happily travelling about in it until she got board of the experiment. No big deal. But no the doctor actually chose to identify the almost certainly all in his mind problem of a child wanting to be like their disabled parent, as the major threat. Because if the mum was FFI that the child’s feelings about being disabled or not wouldn’t be relevant. If the child wanted the same shoes as their mum no one would perceive that as a sign of mental illness, but a wheelchair that’s an abomination.

    Also disabled parents lose custody of the kids at higher rates than non disabled parents. It’s just most disabled parents aren’t wheelchair users, because most disabled people don’t happen to be wheelchair users. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if wheelchair users aren’t at higher risk even than other disabled people, but I don’t know about that.
    Last edited: May 18, 2024
  9. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The bit about wanting to be in a wheelchair and lines like that would have got someone sacked and unlikely to be employed anywhere else or arrested for hate speech until these people started pretending their manifestos were ‘research’ to ‘cover’ for it.

    but it’s the same. Shouldn’t doctors or professionals who say these things be being grabbed by HR or the police and escorted out of the building with the option of the parent suing?

    I just wanted to remember what ‘normal’ wrote like and say it out loud as therapy against the dystopia
    Last edited: May 18, 2024
    SNT Gatchaman, Ash and Deanne NZ like this.
  10. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    And this sadistic refusing people in pain pain relief when it’s obvious claiming a ‘belief in hysteria because they are women’ well surely that should be prosecutable as something like assault (and detention where they are detained for long times in such pain) under false pretences or unsubstantiated beliefs ie legally it should surely work both ways and there obviously needs to be penalties that covers what is being used so that describing these tactics and categorising then as a crime isn’t what is standing in the way of people seeing it's harm ?

    Otherwise anyone can play with hurting people they don’t like by using their power to tell everyone to leave them in agony for months causing irreparable harm…. And no one even the law is saying that’s harm with no good reason and citing a belief in nonsense hysteria based stuff because you’ve an issue with females or disabled people or some other issue should absolutely not be when there is no science allowed as an excuse or cover - it wouldn’t be for normal non scientific individuals so why does this almost religion ‘belief’ crap hold as legal cover here?
    Last edited: May 18, 2024
    MEMarge, EzzieD, Ash and 1 other person like this.
  11. Ash

    Ash Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    You’re right @bobbler its really is a eugenics fuelled manifesto posing medical research, a physical torture of children through denial of medical treatment and pain management, children you also emotionally traumatise through removing them from the security of their families and holding them captive in a place where people are incapable of caring about child welfare in any meaningful sense are abusing them and calling this child protection.

    Underlying this there is a deep ideological drive to expel disabled people from public and family life, back into the institutions where these medical professionals believe that disabled people belong. It’s a horrific backlash against a short period of increased disability rights that were hard won by disabled activists and advocates who literally laid their bodies on the line in the roads etc to get them.

    These people were always always keen to preserve their power over others, especially over those with historical relatively less power.

    I don’t think doctors nurses social workers and judges who participate in the proceedings are having a fundamentally different attitudes to disabled people especially when these are women and children, than before FFI exploded into the mainstream, but I do think we hear about it more nowadays because people can speak to each other on social media about what’s happening or happened to them.

    I will say that if rates of these proceedings are higher than in the past, it might be because many medical professionals with the most humanitarian values behind their practice of medicine and treatment of other people in general, are leaving or have left due to political pressures from above and worsening working conditions and their conscientious desire to actually alleviate human suffering through practice of medicine is constantly thwarted, at least in countries like the UK where our government has in just over a decade all but destroyed our whole system. So now we’re left with a lower ratio of the humanitarian to the punitive in terms of outlook towards their patients.

    But even more importantly doctors are more likely to be from sanctioned from above for actually doing whatever is necessary to treat patients and more likely to be promoted to positions of power and influence for taking a disciplinarian approach to patients.

    Also both doctors and social workers and members of the judiciary face the threat that the mainstream and rightwing media will expose them for helping lower income or mad or both individuals to “waste public funds” tricking them into offering unwarranted treatments that harm children. This is a far worse prospect for them than the kind of exposure that they get for taking away disabled children or disabled people’s children, so it’s a straight forward self preservation calculation to lean the other way.

    Then you add a pandemic that is causing an absolute avalanche of additional sickness that medical professionals are under pressure from above to deny and disappear. That they seem so ready to go along with this is a disappointment I can’t deny, but from the perspective of all the existing conditions I guess they were primed to go one way on this. The wrong way.

    When I am dead and gone and people are referring to this period of extreme denial over the cause and effects of letting a novel virus freely circulate and just pretending the previously well recorded damage to every possible human organ isn’t happening and that people who it happens must be mad to feel the brunt of a political decision to put them at risk, of biological reality, as an example of human nature and frailties, I am gonna come back and haunt them because that is not what this is.

    Last edited: May 18, 2024
    bobbler likes this.
  12. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    What's especially absurd about this is how incredibly rare such a thing is. The odds of a MD seeing this once in their career is probably 1:1000. And yet even though it's excessively rare, it's often thought about.

    Meanwhile chronic illnesses like us are a few % of the population, far more common, and yet it's explicitly dismissed as rare, far too often preferring a cause that is probably something like 1000x less likely. There are thousands of accounts of patients who were told this explicitly: X is very rare so you probably don't have it, clearly not understanding how probabilities work, and how there are many relatively rare conditions, which add up to, well, far more likely than the absurd notion of a child not just wanting to be disabled, but out of simple mimicry because their mother is.

    Any rational person is able to understand that it's literally the opposite, that children see their parent's suffering and badly do not want it for their parent, let alone for themselves. It's so absurd to think this, even more absurd than what they are suggesting.

    Like most things in medicine, it seems like the old trope of hooves and horses vs zebras is highly selective, not the least of which is that there are many places in the world where zebras are common and horses don't live, and many others where neither do.

    And because this isn't absurd enough, even though it still happens, it's considered a war crime to refuse pain relief to enemy combatants who are held captive, because it is effectively torture. But it's a common medical practice.
    Sean, JemPD and SNT Gatchaman like this.
  13. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Not directly about FII or ME/CFS but demonstrates the 'wider landscape' around these sort of issues.

    Schools in England send police to homes of absent pupils with threats to jail their parents

    Some schools in England are sending police to the homes of children who are persistently absent, or warning them their parents may go to prison if their attendance doesn’t improve, the Observer has learned.

    Headteachers say they are now under intense pressure from the government to turn around the crisis in attendance, with a record 150,000 children at state schools classed as severely absent in 2022-23. From September, all state schools in England will have to share their attendance records every day with the Department for Education.

    But child psychologists and parent groups are warning that the push for full attendance is driving “heavy-handed” crackdowns at some schools, and ignores the issues that often lie behind school refusal, including mental health problems, unmet special educational needs, bereavement or the child being a carer.
    SNT Gatchaman and Trish like this.
  14. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Continuing the total cover-up of Long Covid, zero mention of what is known to be the main cause of school absence. The fact that it's known, that the questions are asked and have been published publicly, easily available, makes it so disturbing. This is 1984 level of inventing a version of reality.

    If the people saying this were asked pointed questions that don't allow them to deflect, they would admit that they know that illness is the main reason, and that since it directly follows the pandemic and has been reflected in many population surveys, they are well aware that this is the main reason, and that increasing attendance while maintaining high reinfection rates are mutually contradictory.

    And still they'll just lie about it. Like good foot soldiers who are just following orders. Peacetime health care is basically starting to look like wartime national security, but even more disturbingly: even though the data that show otherwise is public and easily accessible.
    Sean and SNT Gatchaman like this.
  15. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member

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  16. Arnie Pye

    Arnie Pye Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I had almost an entire term off school when I was 13 because of a physical health problem, and my parents didn't get into trouble at all. It's amazing how often I say "thank God I'm old" these days, because being young is such a shit show for the young.
    Sean and Trish like this.
  17. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
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