'Heaviness' - could it be used as a measurement?

Discussion in 'Post-Exertional malaise and fatigue' started by Sly Saint, Dec 15, 2018.

  1. Arnie Pye

    Arnie Pye Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I've had that exact same feeling!

    Another similar problem I sometimes have is feeling as though my head is being pushed hard from behind and I am using all my physical strength and also willpower to keep my head up. Yet, if I look at myself in a mirror there is no evidence of this struggle and my posture looks "normal for me" (which means I'm slouching as usual).
    Squeezy, Barry and DokaGirl like this.
  2. Barry

    Barry Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    No, actually when I re-read it, it is highly ambiguous! :D.
    aza and Arnie Pye like this.
  3. aza

    aza Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Hi guys, I haven't been diagnosed yet and I could have Fibromyalgia and not ME, but I had an episode on February 2018 that was very scary and my symptoms have been different ever since. Suddenly my hands and feet became numb, then heavy and finally weak and I immediately crashed in bed. I also felt very hot and as soon as I could walk again I took a shower. Since this episode, I have peripheral neuropathy in the form of burning skin on hands, arms, feet and sometimes shoulders and back. I also have numbness whenever I stay in the same position for a short period of time, 5 minutes. Sometimes I'm washing the dishes or hanging the laundry and I have to stop and sit, otherwise I'm sure I'm going to fall down. I used to walk many miles and had no muscular pain or exhaustion, but since this has happened I feel really ill after a brief walk, my joints hurt, my muscles burn, my skin turns red. I'm dreading going out.

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