Yes, the truth - it's a bugger isn't it. PACE proved CBT/GET is worthless, so was valuable in that regard. Researchers who give severely distorted interpretations of their trials' results - yes, patients and good scientists are very much against even more of it.
I'm really enthused that someone has examined this formally. I think there are a lot of really interlocking issues about militancy in advocacy in general - when to be nuanced and quiet, when to be loud, how effective various forms of protest can be. Glad that someone is taking an academic look at it for ME patients.
I look forward to reading this paper. It will be a useful reference to give to journalists etc when the PACE appologists again wheel out the tired distraction that any problems are due to those horrid militant ME patients refusing to belief our bad science.
The largest notebook is 0.99 m² (10.74 ft²), achieved by Nuco International Ltd. (UK), as measured at the Business Design Center in Islington, London, UK, on 26 April 2016. It took 4 men 5 hours to bind the book and it weighs almost 40kg! The notebook was displayed at the London Stationery Show in Islington. Call that a notebook? When I was a kid we had notebooks that took ten men to carry on their shoulders and more words than the Chinese nation have had hot dinners. And we had to read three for homework every night.