Ken Ware - Neurophysics therapy

Discussion in 'Other treatments' started by unicorn7, Feb 26, 2021.

  1. unicorn7

    unicorn7 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    No, it's the person that is shaking. You take the little tremor you get when something is heavy and you allow that to get bigger. Mostly by relaxing parts of your body. it takes so much tension out of all parts and muscles of your body, it's really nice. Looks a bit weird though:laugh: You do it on the machines, partly because you start with the exercises, loose power or feel pain, solve that, and go on with the same exercise. It's also nice to do it in some machines, because they give you pressure in different places, so the effect of loosening your muscles with the tremor is better in some positions than others. I have elastics to do it at home.
    They teach you in the 4 weeks to do it properly. I would have had no idea how to do this in the way I do it now.
    I did some TRE style tremors before I went there, but it is in nothing comparable.

    I did like the little tremors you do with TRE, but that's just the beginning. You specifically target all different parts of your body and target specific spots that are painful, or weak of stiff etc. And then put them to use! And I think that makes it work. Not just doing the tremors, that's just a way to gain movement or strength back momentarily.
    Peter Trewhitt and Trish like this.
  2. unicorn7

    unicorn7 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It sounds like the same concepts. The tremors are for getting your range of motion back and the exercises in the proper posture are for getting the right muscles to fire. Simply said. My whole body was so messed up, there was pretty much no part of my body moving normally. I can now feel my upper back doing something, that's a big patch of muscle. Instead I used the smaller muscles of neck and hands, which are not made for that. I think personally a lot of symptoms like nausea and dizziness where neck related with me.

    I have used these concepts when I was still working and training horses, but this was the same concepts, but another level of tools and knowledge. Everything with an input on the muscles (massage, myofascial release etc) don't work for me as they cause PEM, plus they take a lot of work and work mostly local, while tremors are full body, you can do them yourself and they don't trigger PEM for me. Which is super weird, because it's pretty intensive. I was mild, but the people I know that are moderate or even going towards severe, could do it. I don't know why this is possible.
    Peter Trewhitt and Trish like this.

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