'Meet your MP about ME' Campaign in Canada

Discussion in 'Advocacy Projects and Campaigns' started by brf, Nov 12, 2017.

  1. brf

    brf Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Launch Message 2A.PNG View attachment 657 View attachment 657

    This campaign was launched at the end of August and is the second in a series of major campaigns targeting our Canadian officials.

    The first major campaign in the series was the 'Open Letter to the Minister of Health of Canada' and can be found in both English and French. It was designed to gain support from sufferers and their supporters.

    This second campaign released three weeks later, was designed to gain support from our MPs - the policy makers who hold the power for change for our community and whose support is absolutely crucial to advance the cause of ME forward in Canada.

    We're encouraging all those who are able, to meet with their MP to talk about ME. You can do this by a personal visit, telephone or Skype appointment or even by email.

    Relay the current crisis going on in Canada, talk about your own experience with the inadequacies of the current health care system in addressing your needs, briefly tell a little of your personal story and ask for their support in one of several concrete manners.

    We have supplied all the information needed including statistics about the current crisis, charts, graphs, scripts if needed and other relevant information. Full details for the 'Meet your MP about ME' campaign can be found on our website including a 'Step by Step Guide' to simplify the process.

    A brief overview of the campaign can be found on our FB page.

    We've had a number of people meet with their MPs. All have been positive experiences with encouraging reports.

    We need many more people to step up!

    MPs are in their home ridings this entire coming week beginning tomorrow Monday, November 13th, 2017. Call and book an appointment, then visit our site to learn how you can prepare for it. Contact us for a personal consult if needed. Let us know how we can support you.

    We post regular updates on this campaign as well as others on our Facebook page. I'll post here on this thread from time to time as well.

    We're getting ready to launch the third major campaign in this larger overall effort to help bring change for ME sufferers in Canada.

    The announcement will be coming soon!
    Dechi, markiemark, Perrier and 6 others like this.
  2. brf

    brf Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Update November 13th, 2017

    Overall since the beginning of this campaign, we've had many people step forward and meet with their MPs.

    This week, starting today, the MPs are back in their ridings. This will be the last opportunity to meet with MPs before the Christmas break. We're encouraging as many people as possible to book appointments this week.

    They’re Back!

    Meet your MP about ME. This week will be the final opportunity to meet with your MP before the Christmas break so please take advantage of this time and book an appointment to advocate for ME.

    The statistics of diagnosed cases of ME in Canada continue to rise. The new numbers, confirmed by StatCan and released to the public on October 30th, 2017 by Canada’s National ME/FM Action Network reveal 20,000 more cases of ME in 2016 over the previous count in 2015 bringing the figure to an unprecedented 581,600!

    Canada takes great pride and has great respect for the statistics it collects. According to these escalating numbers, interventions for sufferers of ME are badly needed.

    Call to book your meeting. Contact us to let us know which MP you’ll be meeting with. Let us know how we can help support you in this very important step.

    Advocate for ME. Advocate for us all!

    Thanks [​IMG]

    Further Details at the Facebook Page or Website.

    Back This Week.PNG
    ScottTriGuy, Dechi and ahimsa like this.
  3. ahimsa

    ahimsa Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Oregon, USA
    This looks great!

    I am in the USA. ME Action did a similar thing to help patients get ready to meet with their local Congressional representatives or their aides. And there were also meetings with senators. I don't remember all the details so forgive me if I get them wrong.

    It took a bit of doing (scheduling, preparation, resting, etc.) but I managed to meet with an aide here in my city (my representative was in Washington, DC at the time). I crashed afterwards but it made me feel good to do some small bit of activism. :)
    ScottTriGuy, Dechi and brf like this.
  4. brf

    brf Established Member (Voting Rights)

    That's great @ahimsa!

    I know it's not an easy thing to do and it takes a toll on many who try. For some it's not even possible. However, every single person who pulls off the effort brings us all one step closer to our goals.

    Thanks for going out - and thanks for sharing here so others might be encouraged.

    Truly - hat's off to you!
    Dechi and ahimsa like this.
  5. ahimsa

    ahimsa Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Oregon, USA
    Thank you! That's why I posted, so others would be encouraged to give it a try.

    Before talking with the folks who do this kind of political organizing I really didn't realize that just telling my story one-on-one would be so helpful. But I guess it forges a connection and puts a "face" on the problem.

    That connection made it more likely that my Congressional representative would agree to various activities, like signing a letter that was sent to Dr. Francis Collins at NIH. In the end I think 55 U.S. representatives signed the letter.

    Best of luck you to and anyone who participates in this activity.:emoji_blush: Bravo to you all! :emoji_clap:
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
    brf, Dolphin and ScottTriGuy like this.

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